Sierra College Showcases 2023 Cohort of Innovators
At Sierra College, students are building their skills through the pilot Invention and Inclusive Innovation (i3) cohort and student showcase.
January 12, 2024 -
Sierra College Welcomes Students, Community Members for Grand Opening
Fall 2023 semester instruction at Sierra College began on August 21 with increased enrollment and a new instructional building, Building Q, made possible by the community’s support for Measure E.
September 19, 2023 -
Sierra College Student Journalists Recognized for Reporting on Equity at Community College
Five Sierra College students recognized as 2023 Emerging Journalist Fellowship students for reporting on equity at community college.
June 8, 2023 -
Sierra College Students Win First Place at 2023 RoboGames
Students from the Sierra College Robotics Club won first place at RoboGames, the world's largest open robot competition with their autonomous firefighter robot named "Sparky.”
May 17, 2023 -
Sierra College Breaks Ground on Affordable Student Housing with Support from the State of California and Local Donors
Sierra College broke ground today on a campus-changing student housing complex that when completed will provide housing for more than 350 students. Construction of the student housing project is made possible through funding from the State of California and Sierra College general funds.
April 11, 2023