Sierra College Recognizes Veterans Day
Honoring Veterans with Ceremony, Walk a Mile in Their Boots, and Public Safety Career Fair
On Thursday morning, Nov. 10, the Sierra College Veterans Success Center hosted students, staff, faculty, and community members at a celebration honoring America’s Veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. The day began with presentations in front of the Sierra College Library (LRC) at 8:30 am.
Speakers included Daymian Helms of the Sierra College Veterans Success Center, Sierra College Superintendent/President Willy Duncan, Rocklin Mayor Bill Halldin, and Placer County Sheriff Wayne Woo.
Sheriff Woo recognized nearly 25% of veterans go into law enforcement or become first responders following their service to their country.
To continue honoring and focusing on the mental health of our veterans, participants joined a “Walk a Mile in their Boots” walk honoring the 17 veterans who take their live every day and are impacted by mental health. Participants in the walk were encouraged to create and carry a poster in support of our veterans during the walk.
Following the ceremony was a Public Safety Career Fair with hiring representatives from law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and EMT/EMS agencies.