A Commitment to Collaboration
Sierra College has long been a place where groups put aside competing interests to come together and make big things happen. This collaborative culture permeates every level of the college and is reflected in our governance, program review, and resource allocation processes.
The Purpose of Participatory Governance is to:
- Provide the process for shared development of policies and regulations.
- Provide the means through which all members of the academic community – students, faculty, administration, and classified – can participate effectively in the orderly growth and development of the College.
- Provide the coordination of the College-wide standing committees, academic standing committees, and task forces.
Our Governance System
- Board of Trustees
- Superintendent/President
- Institutional Governance Committees
- Institutional Advisory Committees
- College Senates
- Academic Senate Standing Subcommittees
- Standing Operational Meetings
- Bargaining
Board of Trustees
The Sierra College District is governed by a locally-elected, seven-member Board of Trustees consisting of community professionals, business officials, public policy leaders, and leading citizens.
Learn more about our Board of Trustees.
Guided by the Board of Trustees, the internal and external communities, with adherence to all policies, procedures, regulations and laws, the President is responsible for providing the vision, leadership, and strategic planning for the District.
Learn more about the President’s office.
Institutional Governance Committees
Purpose: A subcommittee of Strategic Council, PARAC was established in February 2009 to facilitate and provide clarity, consistency, and openness to the Sierra College resource allocation process. PARAC provides a venue for focused dialogue on the improvement of institutional effectiveness and student learning and ensures that all planning efforts are linked to the college’s mission, vision, and core values. (PARAC Charter)
Membership: Chair (non-voting): College President; Vice President of Instruction; Vice President of Administrative Services; Vice President of Student Services; Academic Senate President; Classified Senate President Management Senate President; Student Senate President
Chair: College President
Recommendations: Thumbs
Reporting: No annual report. Reports to Superintendent/President
Meetings: Varies, but generally Fridays once or twice a month on the Rocklin campus, 9 – 11am
Agenda and Minutes: Posted on BoardDocs
According to AP2510 to:
- Provide a forum for members of Strategic Council to present and discuss the concerns and interests of their constituent groups
- Collaborate with the college President by conveying the interests of the constituent groups on the strategic direction of the college
- Share in decision-making by advising the college President in the development of policies and procedures
- Assist in the dissemination of information to the college community
According to AP2510 to:
- Provide a forum for members of Strategic Council to present and discuss the concerns and interests of their constituent groups
- Collaborate with the college President by conveying the interests of the constituent groups on the strategic direction of the college
- Share in decision-making by advising the college President in the development of policies and procedures
- Assist in the dissemination of information to the college community.
- Chair (non-voting): Superintendent/President
- Five faculty representatives: The Academic Senate President, 2 selected by Academic Senate, 1 part-time faculty member jointly selected by the Academic Senate and SCFA, and 1 appointed by the SCFA
- Five classified representatives: The Classified Senate President, 2 selected by the Classified Senate, 1 jointly selected by the Classified Senate and UPEC; and 1 appointed by UPEC
- Five management representatives: 1 Management and Confidential Senate Board Member, 2 selected by the Management and Confidential Senate, and 2 selected by the Superintendent/President
- Five student representatives: The Student Senate President, and 4 members selected by the Student Senate
View Current Membership Roster on BoardDocs
Recommendations: Thumbs
Reporting: No annual report. Reports to Superintendent/President.
Meetings: As indicated on the Budget Development and Planning Semester Calendar. Generally, Fridays once a month on the Rocklin campus in the Board room.
Agenda and Recollections: Posted on BoardDocs
Institutional Advisory Committees
- President’s Equity Advisory Committee (PEAC)
- Professional and Organizational Development (POD)
- Equal Employment Opportunity Committee (EEOC)
- Purpose: Reviews and monitors equal employment activities on campus including but not limited to promoting/sponsoring diversity activities, reviewing and monitoring budgets, reviewing and approving expenditure requests, and addressing EEO issues or complaints
- Membership: College-wide. Members are selected annually or when there is a vacancy and selected by the senates
- Chair Responsibility: Tied to the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer responsibilities; governed by Title V (53000)
- Decisions: Consensus
- Reporting: Annual Report prepared by HR Office and submitted to the Chancellors Office. Reports to President and the Chancellors Office
- Meetings: Monthly
- Agenda: Emailed to Committee
- Guided Pathways, Equity, and Student Completion Steering Committee
College Senates
Seeking college-wide input from all constituencies to gain consensus on decision-making is at the heart of Sierra College’s Shared Governance process. To assist in this process, the college has established four main representative committees, the Academic Senate, the Classified Senate, Management and Confidential Senate, and ASSC Student Senate.
Each of the senates has the responsibility through their elected representatives to give the views of constituents at shared governance committee meetings (e.g. Strategic Council) and participate in making recommendations and decisions. The purpose of the four senates is to represent their constituents while working together to reach decisions that benefit the college as a whole.
Purpose:The Academic Senate of Sierra College fosters the effective participation by faculty in academic and professional matters; develops, promotes, and acts upon policies responding to concerns; and serves as the official voice of the faculty of Sierra College in academic and professional matters. The Academic Senate strengthens and supports the faculty voices at Sierra College. According to Title 5 section 53200 (b) of the California Education Code, the primary function of the Academic Senate is to make recommendations with respect to the following 10 +1 areas:
1. Curriculum including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines
2. Degree and certificate requirements
3. Grading policies
4. Educational program development
5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
6. District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles
7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports
8. Policies for faculty professional development activities
9. Processes for program review
10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development
11. (otherwise known as +1) Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate
Goals: Establish and maintain equal representation from all academic divisions and centers within the District. Promote lively and productive forums for dialogue and foster a healthy atmosphere of equity and reciprocity among disciplines.
- Senate Bylaws (Spring 2022)
- Constitution (March 2012)
Membership:Executive Council is voted on from within the Senate as a whole. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer for 2-year terms. Members are Full and Part-time faculty elected for a distribution of division-specific and at-large seats for 3-year terms, every Spring. Total number of seats are calculated by 10% of full-time faculty anticipated by August 1.
Committee Officers:
President: André Mendoza (2023-2025)
Vice President: Matt Archer (2024-2026)
Secretary: Doug White (2023-2025)
Treasurer: Katherine Knox (2024-2026)
Business and Technology
- Roy Ingram/Katherine Knox (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Mechatronics/Accounting)
- Christina Overmiller/Denise Bushnell (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Computer Science/Business)
- Heather Eubanks (Jun-2023 May-2026) (Kinesiology)
- John Fusano (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Kinesiology)
Liberal Arts
- Robin Persiani (May-2023 May-2026) (English)
- Lisa Rochford/Robert Roden (May-2023 May-2026) (English/English)
Nursing and Allied Health
- Hannah Schwartz/Anita Roe (May-2023 May-2026) (Allied Health/Nursing)
- Dawn Veltre/Michelle Reisinger (May-2023 May-2026) (Nursing/Nursing)
Sciences and Mathematics
- Mary Beth Pattengale/Mike Waterson (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Mathematics/Mathematics)
- Dom Calabrese/Aviva Shackell (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Physics/Physics)
Student Services/Library/Research
- Benjamin Wingard (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Librarian)
- André Mendoza (Jun-2023 May-2026) (Learning Resources)
- Rafa Ordaz (Mar-2024 May-2026) (Counseling)
- Paul Knox (Interim – Dec-2024 May-2025) (English)
At-Large (10)
- Matt Archer (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Anthropology)
- Keri Clemens/Rhiannon Porter (Jun-2023 May-2026) (Chemistry/Chemistry)
- Sonia Delgadillo (Apr-2024 May-2027) (ESL)
- Ralph De Unamuno (Apr-2024 May-2027) (History)
- Michelle Johnson (Mar-2024 May-2025) (English)
- Anna Ortega-Nieto (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Counseling)
- Michelle Laird (Mar-2024 May-2025) (Psychology)
- Robert Lennartz (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Psychology)
- Brianna Nathaniel (Apr-2022 May-2025) (Health Sciences)
- Jane Le Skaife/Megan White (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Sociology/History)
- Wayne Robinson (Apr-2024 May-2027) (Counseling)
Chair: Elected by Senate members for a two-year term. President position must be filled by a full-time faculty member.
Decisions: Operate under Brown Act for open meetings. Consensus when possible/voting when needed/majority rules.
Reporting: No annual report. A stand-alone entity, with direct access to the Board, as needed.
Meetings: Every Wednesday from 3:30-5:30pm in the Board Room (LRC-133)
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Joint Resolution of Sierra College Senates Supporting LGBTQ+ Students and Employees (March 2023)
Academic Senate Approved FPD Syllabus Recommendations (February 2023)
Attendance Policy and Recommendations (2021)
Adoption of Course Materials (2021)
In Support of Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander Communities (April 2021)
In Support of Black Lives and Racial Justice (Aug. 2020)
Resurrection of a Study Abroad Program
In Honor of Dr. Morgan Lynn
Appreciation to All Who Contributed to Successful Passage of Measure E
Opposition to Performance-Based Funding
Opposition to Online College
Collaboration When Appointing Management
Adjacent Acreage
Online Educational Resources
Selling Surplus Properties
Retirement of Rebecca Gregg
Resolution on Social Justice (2017)
Adoption of Course Materials (2017)
Resolution in support of DACA students and recipients (Oct. 2017)
Recollections: Posted on BoardDocs and emailed to faculty and management
Standing Committees:
Academic Standards
Academic Support
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (D-LIT)
Educational Effectiveness
Faculty Professional Development
Gender Equity
New Legacy
Program Review
Purpose: To provide students with the opportunities to participate in the college’s shared governance process, to work with the Sierra College community to develop activities and support programs and services that promote student success and foster campus community.
Membership: All Students. Applications are required to run for a Student Senate position.
Chair: President/Student Trustee is elected by the student body
Decisions: Majority
Reporting: No annual report prepared. Reports to VP of Student Services.
Meetings: Weekly on Thursday, during the semester in the Rocklin Campus Board Room, 2–4 pm.
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Approved minutes are posted in the Campus Life Office and kept in a binder.
Purpose: The Sierra College Classified Senate is a permanent organization originally sanctioned by the Board of Trustees. It shall be the purpose of Classified Senate to participate in the governance of Sierra College; to actively collect, evaluate, and disseminate information and represent the collective interests of Classified Professionals, except those topics under the purview of the classified union before or on any governance or college committee. Responsibilities of the Classified Senate shall be as follows:
- A. Provide Classified Professionals with a formal participatory voice in shared governance supporting the College’s mission, vision and core values, and participation in the initiation, development, and evaluation of District policy and procedures;
- B. Provide communication, understanding, and mutual support among Classified Professionals;
- C. Select representatives from its membership to serve on appropriate college- wide standing committees and any other committees deemed necessary by the college governance structure;
- D. Communicate Classified Professionals needs, concerns, viewpoints and recommendations on college issues to the superintendent/president, governing board, and the campus community;
- E. Articulate the professionalism of Classified Professionals so that they are properly recognized and valued; and,
- F. Provide an opportunity to develop individual leadership among the Classified Professionals, as well as increase the professional standards of its members
Constitution (May 2024) and Bylaws (May 2024)
- Improve connection and communication with other Shared Governance bodies and campus Administration
- Identify all campus committees and ensure Classified representation as appropriate
- Identify barriers faced by Classified Professionals to participating in shared governance
- Increase opportunities for staff recognition of Classified Professionals beyond the classified employee of the year award
- Reimagine the Classified Retreat to allow for more equitable access to all staff
- Generate a pathway to fundraise to create Student Scholarships, support the Basic Needs Center, and more.
Membership: 12 Senators are selected to represent all Classified Professionals. The positions of President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer are selected by and from the 12 Senators as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws.
2024-25 Classified Senate
- Matt Harrison, President
- Annette Richards, Vice-President
- Kimberly Marcussen, Secretary-Treasurer
- Meghan Benham
- Vicki Fawcett
- Karin Green
- Jessica LaCourse
- Denise Nichols-Telford
- Marie Joy Valdez
- Amie Weaver
Chair: Elected by Senate members for a two-year term, unless otherwise stated.
Decisions: Operate under Brown Act for open meetings. Consensus when possible/voting when needed/majority rules.
Reporting: No annual report. Reports to its constituents.
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 11am – 12pm in the Rare Book Room (LRC-201).
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Purpose: Represents management and confidential staff on Shared Governance Committees (e.g. Strategic Council); selects representatives for various committees (e.g. curriculum, hiring, etc.)
Membership: All currently employed personnel designated as administrative, supervisory, or confidential, other than the President and all Vice Presidents, shall be members of the Senate.
Chair: Elected by the membership
Decisions: Consensus or majority, if needed
Reporting: No annual report. Does not report to governing body or manager
Meetings: Every 3rd Wednesday at 2pm, LR-201
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Posted on
Academic Senate Standing Subcommittees
Committee Members:
- Susie Le (Chair)
- Ruth Flores (faculty)
- Cherie Mathews (faculty)
- Karin McGuire (faculty)
- Donna Wetzel (faculty)
- Sandy Muraki (faculty)
- Kristen Lopez (faculty)
- Mariella Crandall (management)
- Ivonne Vega Garcia (Admissions and Records)
- Carly Plageman (Admissions and Records)
Purpose: To recommend policies and regulations and to consider problems and hear student petitions related to academic standards and practices; to set the standards and be responsible for the catalog descriptions pertaining to academic standards such as course challenges, petitions, etc.; to communicate on a consistent basis the policies and regulations emanating from the Committee. Areas of committee concern are scholastic standards, grading practices, course repetition, grade changes, academic renewal, attendance regulations, pass/no pass grading, and credit by examination.
Membership: By Committee Members
(7) Faculty representatives appointed by the Faculty Senate
(3) Administration representatives appointed by the Administrative Senate
(2) Classified representatives appointed by the Classified Senate
(1) Student representative appointed by the ASSC
1. The majority of the members should be faculty. All members have equal voting rights, however where appropriate, advisory, non-voting (ex-officio) members may be designated.
2. Membership limited to 6 years (at the discretion of the governing body) unless membership is specified by the committee structure.
3. Governing bodies shall annually (in January) review membership on committees and make appropriate replacements.
4. Lack of attendance of meetings will be reported to the appropriate governing body and a replacement sought.
5. Members of the committees are appointed by their appropriate governing bodies in a manner to achieve appropriate breadth of representation on each committee.
6. Chairs elected by secret ballot of the committee membership.
7. Appropriate governing body will ensure that the committee chair elections be held by January for the following academic year (July-June).
8. No committee should be chaired by the administrator or coordinator responsible for the management of that committee’s jurisdiction.
9. All academic standing committees must be chaired by Faculty.
10. A list of all committees, task forces, and advisory committees will be maintained by the College Council.
Chair: Elected by the membership from the faculty members. Serve for no more than 3 consecutive, one-year terms.
Decisions: Majority
Reporting: No annual report. Reports to Academic Senate.
Meetings: Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 2–3 pm in A-101
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Posted on
Committee Members: Amanda Barnett, Andre Mendoza, Brigitte Elder, Kelly Vanderpool, Elaine Sturgill, James Razavi, Jay Batchelder, Jennie Longmire, Kacey Bullock, Karin Green, Kimberly Marcussen, Marcia Brock, Margo Marvin, Mary Beth Pattengale, Melody Meier, Sarah Konst, Tina Sixt, Vitaliy Morozov, Meghan Benham, Ingrid Keriotis, Lisa Rochford
- Provide a forum for communication and collaborative efforts of academic support service providers across multiple disciplines
- Identify and research common issues, initiatives and interests
- Coordinate services to reduce confusion for staff and students
- Research and propose innovations in academic support services
Membership: Membership consists of 16 faculty, 5 classified staff, one manager representing academic support services across multiple disciplines and one student appointed by the ASSC. Members are appointed by the Academic Senate for an undetermined length of time.
Chair: Appointment by Academic Senate
Decisions: Consensus
Reporting: No annual report. Reports to Academic Senate
Meetings: Third Wednesdays from 2:45 – 4pm
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
November 20, 2019
September 18, 2019
March 20, 2019
February 20, 2019
January 23, 2019
Committee Members:
- Denise Bushnell (Chair)
- Brook Oliver (Vice-Chair)
- Darlene Jackson (Administrator)
- Michelle Macfarlane (AG)
- Blair Spaulding (AJ)
- Natalie Rishe (AAD)
- Hannah Schwartz (ALH)
- Amy Schulz, interim (AUTO)
- Franz Veitschegger (ADVM)
- Anne Diamond (BUS)
- Annette Nylander (IT)
- Louie Garcia (Construction and Energy Technology)
- Alison Salome (DES)
- Dave Sinclair (EMT)
- Tim Palmer (FIRE)
- Diana Higashi (FASH)
- Lori Keamey (HDEV)
- Michael Halbern (MECH)
- Jane Stave Viemeister (MUS)
- Dawn Veltre (NRSG)
- Darci Brownell (KIN)
- Kirkman Amyx (PHOT)
- Debra Hammond (THEA)
- Aleda Vaugn (WELD)
- Brad Engeldinger (RECM)
Annual goals that support the overall intent of the Perkins Grant are set by the CTE Committee and grant funds are allocated to support the goals. The Perkins Grant goals are:
- To improve the academic skills of students enrolled in Career and Technical Education Programs.
- To strengthen the connection between secondary and post-secondary programs.
- To prepare students for occupations in demand that pay family-supporting wages.
- The CTE Committee approves or disapproves program funding requests with these goals in mind. The CTE Committee, in general, represents the interests of all CTE programs at Sierra College, but membership and funding are contingent on participating in CTE Committee activities and meeting grant requirements.
Following are CTE Advisory Committees:
- Administration of Justice
- Allied Health
- Applied Art and Design
- Automotive Technology
- Business
- Computer Information Systems
- Construction and Energy Technology
- Drafting and Engineering Support
- Early Childhood Education
- EMT/Health Sciences
- Engineering
- Fashion
- Fire Technology
- Kinesiology
- Geographic Information Systems
- Mechatronics
- Recreation Management
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Technical Theater
- Welding Technology
Membership: Normally consists of Department Chairs. If no department chairs exist, they get a representative selected by their program or department to serve.
Chair: Chair and Vice Chair are nominated during the Spring and elected during the final meeting of the academic year for a 2-year term. Any CTE Committee member serving for the prior academic year is eligible to serve in either capacity and can be re-elected.
Decisions: Committee vote
Reporting: Quarterly and annual reports are prepared by the CTE Manager and sent to California Community College Chancellor’s Office, Career and Technical Education Unit, PARAC and Strategic Council. Reports to VP of Instruction.
Meetings: Meets 2nd Friday; 7:30 – 9am in B-6
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Committee Members:
- Barry Abrams
- Kimberly Bayer
- Marcia Braga/Sandy Muraki (shared)
- Dominic Calabrese (technical review chair)
- Anne Diamond
- Ninette Dollesin
- Jen Eaton
- Laurel Gardner
- Laura Harris
- Christy Karau/Sonia Klenner (shared)
- Marga Kelly
- Laurence Lambert-Marandi
- Patrick Marasso
- Cherie Mathews/Kristen Lopez (shared)
- Brianna Nathaniel
- Tim Palmer (Curriculum Chair)
- Kara Rodriguez
- Amy Schulz
- Rob Wilson
- Jill Alcorn
- Megan D’Errico
- Reviews, guides the development of, and approves curriculum and related matters such as course additions, deletions and modifications; periodically reviews course descriptions
- Considers impact on resources of courses and instructional programs
- Examines individual curriculum proposals as they relate to the balance of the curriculum and mission and function of the institution
- Assigns new course(s) to appropriate discipline(s)
- Rules on course additions or deletions to Sierra College General Education list
- Rules on requests for additions or deletions to General Education lists for CSU and UC including transfer core curriculum
- Approves stand-alone courses
- Reviews, guides the development of, and approves and/or rejects degree and certificate programs
- Coordinates degree and certificate program requirements; approves or denies substitution petitions for graduation requirements.
Membership: Faculty representatives always make up the majority of the Curriculum Committee membership. At no time will the number of non-faculty representatives exceed the minimum faculty quorum number. (16) Faculty representatives appointed by the Academic Senate representing a variety of discipline clusters and divisions: Business, Applied Academics and Physical Education; Liberal Arts; Sciences and Mathematics; Student Services. Within the divisions, specific discipline clusters allow for a variety of perspectives, such as arts and humanities, literature and language, social and behavioral sciences, physical and biological sciences, math, Career Technical Education, and physical education.
The committee also relies upon developing and maintaining additional representatives having expertise in curriculum. (Position may be shared)
- (3) Management representatives: Three Educational Administrators who represent academic and career technical education areas appointed by the Management Senate.
- (3) One Articulation Officer and 2 Classified representatives whose jobs relate to curriculum matters appointed by the Classified Senate.
- (1) Student representative appointed by the ASSC. (Position may be shared)
- EX OFFICIO MEMBERS: Vice President of Instruction – Rebecca Bocchicchio; Coordinator, Learning Resource (Distance Learning) – Suzanne Davenport
(Note: Support staff used to prepare agendas, recollections, materials and other correspondence is provided through the Office of Instruction.) - QUORUM: A quorum consists of 50% + 1 representation of faculty committee members and 50% of the remaining membership; remaining membership to include management, classified staff and students.
Chair: A faculty member, elected by the committee. Technical Review Chair: A faculty member, elected by the committee.
Decisions: Each designated faculty, management, classified, and student representative has a vote. Shared positions are assigned one vote. Ex Officio members do not have a vote. Vote is by consensus.
Reporting: Curriculum Committee reports to Academic Senate periodically. A list of late curriculum review is kept in the Instruction Office.
Meetings: Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays in Fall and 2nd and 4th Mondays in Spring, Fireside Room; 2019-20 Review Schedule
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Posted to Inside.Sierra and emailed to Division Offices and Department Chairs.
April 22, 2019
April 8, 2019
March 11, 2019
February 25, 2019
November 26, 2018
November 5, 2018
October 22, 2018
September 24, 2018
September 9, 2018
August 27, 2018
April 30, 2018
Curriculum Committee Minutes
Posted to Inside.Sierra and emailed to Division Offices and Department Chairs.
October 21, 2019
May 6, 2019
August 26, 2019
September 9, 2019
September 23, 2019
Committee Members: Allison Jones (Chair), Cyndie Birdsong, Autumn Cahoon, Aimee Colvin, Tara Wolfe, Michelle Boucher, Craig Hassler, Jay Hester, Jay Kesler, Jennifer Molina, Mithia Mukutmoni, Lynette Vrooman, Michelle Boucher, Wende Hargrove, Zenaido Ramos-Bustos
Purpose: The mission of DLIT is to facilitate student success by offering high quality, accessible online, hybrid and web-enhanced courses, to promote effective student/instructor contact in these courses, to provide online student support services and to ensure that courses are ADA compliant. By offering instructor training and support in both online course delivery and application of high-quality technological resources, DLIT strives for excellence and currency in online, hybrid, TV, and web-assisted courses.
Membership: 13 Faculty (from various disciplines representing areas teaching in the distance learning modality), 3 Classified, and 1 Management
Chair: Allison Jones – Distance Learning Faculty Coordinator
Decisions: Collaborative Process
Reporting: Annual ePar report is submitted. Report to Faculty Senate.
Meetings: First Friday of every month, 12–2pm, LRC 124
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
November 1, 2019
October 4, 2019
September 9, 2019
April 5, 2019
March 1, 2019
February 1, 2019
November 2, 2018
October 5, 2018
May 4, 2018
Mission: The Educational Effectiveness Committee (EEC), as a standing committee of the Sierra College Academic Senate, is a formal body. The primary mission is to ensure that student learning is regularly and skillfully assessed through the analysis of evidence-based assessment results to assist in improving instructional programs, student services, and administrative programs. The EEC also ensures that the college meets established accreditation standards by guiding and coordinating the college’s assessment activities used to help to inform improvement plans, training, and resource allocation.
Membership: Faculty representatives shall make up the majority of the Educational Effectiveness Committee membership. Faculty appointments to the committee shall be made by Academic Senate. The following (13) faculty representatives shall be appointed by Academic Senate: (8) at-large faculty representatives from a variety of academic divisions (it is recommended, but not required, that the Deputy Accreditation Liaison Officer(s) and SLO Assistants be appointed as representatives); (2) faculty members from student services; (2) faculty representatives from Career and Technical Education (CTE), and (1) faculty representative from Program Review Committee.
The EEC membership shall also include Deans (5) from Business and Technology Division, Health, Physical Education, Recreation/Athletics Division, Liberal Arts Division, and Science and Mathematics Division, and Library and Learning Resource Center. EEC membership also includes the (5) Presidents from Academic Senate, Classified and Management Senates, and ASSC Student Senate, the Dean of Research, Planning, and Resource Allocation, and (1) research analyst.
Research representatives will be responsible for relevant assessment data conducted by instruction, student services and administrative programs from the previous semester, as well as up-to-date reports on the status of the assessments of PSLOs and CSLOs.
The above (25) member group will make up the voting membership of the committee.
The committee membership has the prerogative of adding additional members to the committee in order to attain as broad of a constitutive membership as possible. In order to meet the Academic Senate requirements for its standing committees, however, any addition of a voting member to the Classified, Management or Student membership must be accompanied by a similar addition to the faculty membership.
Additionally, the EEC shall identify vacant positions which will be appointed by the Academic Senate. If additional members are added such that the membership exceeds that found in paragraph one above, replacement of a departing member shall be replaced only if the committee deems replacement necessary or membership falls below the core number and ratio. The original membership represents the minimum voting membership desirable.
Committee Members:
Chris Bauer, Erik Cooper, Tammy Drake, Anne Fleischmann, Ryan Goodpastor, Sonia Klenner, Christy Karau, Michelle MacFarlane, Vernon Martin, Lucas Moosman, Sabrina Pape, Kristina Pehur, Sayda Postiglioni, James Sullivan, Blair Spaulding, Julia Tarasova, Soni Verma, David Waite
Quorum: A quorum for each meeting shall be met when 50% +1 of the faculty membership are present
Chair/Co-ChairFaculty member(s) elected by the Educational Effectiveness Committee
Decisions: Each committee member present has a vote. Shared positions are assigned one vote. Vote is by consensus.
Reporting: Educational Effectiveness Committee Chair/Co-Chair reports to Academic Senate on all action items, and provides general updates periodically.
Meetings: Meets the third Wednesday of the semester from 2–3:15pm
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Purpose: Evaluates requests by faculty candidates for equivalency to the minimum qualifications. Recommends changes to the Sierra College BP and AP on Equivalency to the Academic Senate.
Membership: Non-senator members are established by the Sierra College Administrative Procedure on Equivalencies: Equivalency Chair, 3 Senators, relevant educational administrator, HR representative, EEO representative, subject-matter expert (faculty). Equivalency Chair serves for 2 years, Academic Senators are chosen for each equivalency hearing with each Academic Senator liable to be chosen. All other participants are defined by AP.
Chair: Appointment by Academic Senate.
Decisions: Decided by 3 Academic Senators, per Ed Code/Title 5.
Reporting: No annual report. Reports to the Academic Senate.
Meetings: Upon demand.
Agenda: Emailed to participants and results are communicated to candidates.
Recollections: Results are communicated to candidates. Records of equivalency determinations are kept in Human Resources.
Academic Senate Standing Committee
Purpose: As an Academic Senate Standing Committee, this committee develops policies for faculty professional development activities with a focus on andragogy, equity, faculty orientation, the improvement of instruction and student services, and more. The Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Council agree to “rely primarily upon” the recommendations made by the Faculty Professional Development Committee.
Membership: In addition to the Faculty Coordinator(s), this committee consists of 10 other Senate-appointed faculty, including one faculty member from each division, one from Student Services, one from Distance Learning, and one designated part-time faculty seat. The remaining seats are At-Large, filled by full or part-time faculty.
Meetings: FPD meets on the third Wednesday of the month, from 2-3:30pm at this Zoom ID: 311835172, Passcode: 759333. Meetings are open to the public, and agendas and minutes are posted on BoardDocs.
FPD Committee Members:
Chair/POD Faculty Coordinator: Rebecca Quinn
Business and Technology Representative: Christy Karau
Kinesiology and Athletics Representative: Heather Eubanks and Brenna Chapman (who is sharing the seat)
Liberal Arts Representative: Josh Breese
Nursing and Allied Health: Vacant
Science and Math Representative: Adriel Cruz
Distance Learning Representative: Suzanne Davenport
Student Services Representative: Vacant (Currently converted to At-Large)
Part-Time Faculty: Michelle Coder, Mieke San Julian At-Large Representatives: Julie Caspersen-Schultz, Vernon Martin, Christina Nemec
Non-Voting Resource Members: Autumn Gobel-Cahoon, Susan Lucyga
Purpose: The Sierra College Gender Equity Committee, as a standing committee of the Academic Senate, is dedicated to advocating for cultural, social, structural, legal, and academic change to advance gender equity and equitable opportunities across the institution and broader community. Gender equity issues are pervasive and intersectional. Therefore, the Gender Equity Committee seeks to work collaboratively to address the intersection of gender with historically underrepresented identities, fostering a truly inclusive and just campus environment.
Membership: Eleven faculty representatives appointed by the Academic Senate: one each from a) Liberal Arts, b) Kinesiology and Athletics, c) Sciences and Mathematics, d) Student Services, e) Business and Technology, f) Nursing and Allied Health, g) CARE/Title IX, h) CTE, with any remaining unfilled seats becoming at-large seats. The other three seats are at-large faculty seats; After a good effort of filling designated seat, if seat remains open it will revert to an at-large seat for the remaining term of that seat.
- One classified representative, appointed by the Classified Senate;
- One manager representative, appointed by the Management Senate;
- Two student representatives: one student appointed by the Associated Students of Sierra College (ASSC) and one student recommended by the Gender Equity Committee members, appointed by the ASSC
Non-Voting Resource Membership:
- One or two Community Representatives to serve as a non-voting, resource member of the committee. Position to be appointed by the committee.
- One or two Campus Representatives to serve as non-voting, resource member of the committee. Position to be appointed by the committee
- One non-voting, advisory seat for past GEC chair
Current Members:
Darci Brownell/Ben Noonan (shared seat), Athletics and P.E.
Preeti Tickoo, Business and Technology
Patricia Ritchie-Reese, Science and Math
Donna Wetzel, Student Services
Megan Seely, At-Large Faculty (chair)
Matt Archer, At-Large Faculty
Megan White (co-chair), At-Large Faculty
Jane Le Skaife (secretary), At-Large Faculty
Debra Eastman/Michelle Boucher (shared seat), At-Large Faculty
Andrew Fix, At-Large Faculty
Natalie Sherrell (treasurer), At-Large Faculty
Open, Classified
Marcus King, ASSC
Lilyanna Delap, ASSC
Megan D’Errico (shared seat), Management
Resource Partners:
Marwa Harps, Student Engagement Centers, Campus Resource Specialist
Sue Miller, Community (AAUW)
Josephine Mays, Community (Stand Up Placer)
Bylaws: View on BoardDocs
Chair: A faculty member, hired by the district
Decisions: By collaborative process
Reporting: Report annually to Academic Senate
Meetings: 4th Friday of the month
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Recollections are posted on BoardDocs by searching “gec recollections”.
Committee Members: Jason File (Chair); Laura Brahce, Ivor Cooper, Debbie Eastman, Anne Fleischmann, Nataliya Gladysh, Emine Gunhan, Jane Hemmerling, Barbara Nelson-Burns, Mark Springsteel, Mithia Mukutmoni, Robin Akawi and Dean Yoshizuma
Purpose: Oversees the Honors Program at Sierra College; reviews and approves Honors Contracts each semester.
Membership: In addition to the Chair, 10 faculty members, one classified member, and one non-voting student representative (the President of the Honor Society). Faculty members consist of: (1) Liberal Arts, (1) Science and Math, (1) Business & Tech, (7) At-large seats.
If any of the Liberal Arts, Science/Math, Business and Technology or HPERA seats cannot be filled, it becomes an at-large seat. All members are appointed by AcademicSenate, with the exception of the classified seat, which is appointed by the Classified Senate. Terms are indefinite.
Chair: Honors Chair is selected by a hiring committee. Position is advertised campus-wide.
Decisions: Majority vote
Reporting: Annual report submitted to VP of Instruction. Reports to the Academic Senate and VP of Instruction.
Meetings: Meets one to three times per semester from 1–3 pm in M-2
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Committee Membership: Name and Position/Area
- Ralph De Unamuno, Chair
- Matt Archer/Brenna Chapman, Co-Chairs
- Betty Chan, Part-Time Faculty – Secretary
- Winsome Jackson, Full-Time Faculty
- Tonya Times and Wayne Robinson, Full-Time Faculty – Umoja/Black Excellence
- Adriana Lopez and Dianna Tiger, Full-Time Faculty – ALAS/Puente & Winoti
- Brenna Chapman and Sandi Escobar, Full-Time Faculty
- Diana Higashi, Full-Time Faculty
- Andre Mendoza & Ralph deUnamuno, Full-Time Faculty
- Susan Lucyga, Management
- Tajinder Bahia, Student (ASSC)
- Alistair Turner & Elvira Covarrubias, Classified
- Karin Green, Classified
- Elisa Herrera, Community Rep (Latino Leadership Council)
- Tania Parks, Part-Time Faculty
- Vacant (1) Part-Time Faculty
- Vacant (1) Student
Purpose: New Legacy is a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The mission of the New Legacy Committee is to create a Sierra College campus community and learning environment committed to increased success, retention, transfer, and goal attainment rates for historically underrepresented students. The New Legacy Committee will utilize a data-driven, accountability based approach to intentionally and deliberately target and implement strategies to improve historically underrepresented student success.
- Increase English A and 1A course completion rates for historically underrepresented students.
- Increase Math 581, 582, A and D course completion rates for historically underrepresented students.
- Increase the historically underrepresented student participation and completion rates in Career and Technical Education programs (i.e. Automotive Technology, Mechatronics, Computer Technology, and Nursing).
- Increase the number and percentage of AA/AS degrees granted to historically underrepresented students.
- Increase the number and percentage of historically underrepresented students who transfer to four-year colleges and universities.
- Increase the matriculation goal obtainment rates for historically underrepresented students.
- Create a more welcoming and inclusive campus environment that supports the needs of underrepresented students and allows all students opportunities to learn about and become active in diversity issues on campus.
Membership: Representatives appointed by faculty, management and academic senates
Chair: Elected by committee vote for a 2-year term
Decisions: Majority vote
Reporting: Progress reports presented annually to: Academic Senate, CTE committee, Dean’s Council, and Math and Sciences Division
Meetings: First Friday of each month from 10am – 12pm, Cross Cultural Center
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Posted on Inside.Sierra
Committee Members: Barry M. Abrams (Chair), Jill Alcorn, Julia Arreguy, Michelle Coder, Erik Cooper, Kent Fortin, Donald C. Harris, Katie Juras, Brandi Mcevoy, Lynn Medeiros, Brook Oliver, Rhiannon Porter, and Nancy Schwab
Purpose: Represents the Academic Senate in program review for Instructional Programs and Student Services. Develops procedures for program review, including creation of templates and evaluation rubrics, monitors the progress of program review, assists programs in development of program review, reviews and evaluates individual programs, prepares executive summaries, and submits reports and recommendations to the Senate and Strategic Council. The committee makes recommendations to the Senate regarding the impact and role of Program Review including possible program involvement in Program Vitality.
Membership:15 members, nine representing faculty, including the committee chair (currently 6 active, 3 vacant), management (4), and classified (2, one vacant); Dean of Research (non-voting). Members are solicited from each Senate when vacancies are generated, and approved by each Senate; no current restrictions on term served.
Chair: Full-time faculty. Selected by the committee, subject to Senate approval and consultation with Instruction Office
Decisions: Consensus
Reporting: Academic Senate; Strategic Council; VP of Instruction
Meetings: Once every month, more frequently during the review process. Meetings usually occur on the second or fourth Friday of the month, subject to change
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Posted on Inside.Sierra
Purpose: The Spectrum Committee, as a standing committee of the Academic Senate, exists as a formal body whose mission includes improving the success and retention of Sierra College’s LGBTQ+ students, as well as ensuring them a safe campus climate. As LGBTQ+ persons are found across every demographic, the Spectrum Committee seeks to work collaboratively with other campus groups and programs to promote equity across ethnic and racial, socioeconomic, creed and political backgrounds. The title, “Spectrum” was chosen as a commitment to represent all aspects of the LGBTQ+ populations.
Membership: 11 faculty, one manager, two classified, two student (one Rainbow Alliance, one ASSC), one community (PFLAG), Honorary by committee acclimation.
Chair: Elected by committee yearly
Decisions: Collaborative process
Reporting: Report annually to Academic Senate
Meetings: Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 2pm
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Posted on BoardDocs
LGBT Advocates: Learn more about our LGBT advocates on Pride Support and Resources.
Standing Operational Meetings
Purpose: To promote dialogue and information sharing on matters regarding student engagement and well-being, the culture, and environment across our campuses. By utilizing a collaborative process to address issues, a stronger sense of community among all groups on campus is formed. The workgroup addresses concerns/ideas for action and makes recommendations to the appropriate partners.
Dean of Student Services – Bobby Gosal
Director, Student Engagement Centers – Serjio Acevedo
Chief of Security – Jamison Lopizich
Plant Operations Supervisor – Ryan Kyle
General Services Manager – Vacant
Procurement Contract Analyst – Teri Turner
Student Services Technician/Residence Life – Ryan Goodpastor
Campus Life Coordinator – Juan Miguel Blanco
1 Faculty Representative – Robert Roden
1 Classified Representative – Mary Vogel
ASSC President (or designee) – Ruby Chavez DeChavez
3 Student Representatives – Vacant
1 Residence Hall Student Representative – Vacant
Other Representatives as needed
Chair: Dean of Student Services
Decisions: Consensus
Reporting: No Annual Report. Reports to VP of Student Services. Liaison to Facilities Committee.
Meetings: Twice per month (1st and 3rd Friday)
Agenda: Emailed to Committee
Recollections: Emailed to Committee
Purpose: Ensure operational technology supports the strategic plans of Sierra College district. Provide recommendations to Exec. Council in the strategic planning of operational technology and related issues by acting as an advisory group for the district. Provide the means through which the district plans the orderly operational systems technology growth, change, and development. Identify and facilitate the communication between all technology branches (Finance, HR, Student Services/Instruction, and ITS).
Chief Technology Officer (Chair); Business Office Finance Manager; Human Resources Manager; Student Services Financial Aid Manager; Student Services A & R Manager; Student Services Dean; Instructional Dean; Faculty (2) – Appointed by the VPI; IIT AA (non-voting) – provide scheduling, minutes, and recollections
Chair: Chief Technology Officer
Decisions: Consensus
Reporting: Recommendations from the District Operational Technology Steering Council may be forwarded by the chair to the Superintendent/President and/or Executive Council. The Chief Technology Officer will brief the Superintendent/President and/or Executive Council on a regular basis.
Meetings: Quarterly
Agenda: Agendas will be distributed as appropriate prior to the meetings. Posted in Inside.Sierra in the ITS Department pages.
Recollections: Posted on Inside.Sierra in the ITS Department pages.
Council members:
- Fabio Zampieri (Chair)
- Kaylee Argenbright
- Tom Benton
- Donna Brazil-Bloche
- Michael Glashan
- Autumn Gobel-Cahoon
- Matt Harrison
- Tami Jackson
- Jay Kesler
- Shawn Monsen
- Annette Nylander
- Sayda Postiglione
- Donna Smith
- Kelly Vanderpool
- Cody Watson
Purpose:Offer recommendations to ITS in the planning, purchasing, and implementation of educational technology and related issues by acting as an operational advisory group for the technology of Sierra College District.
- (Chair)
- Five (5) faculty members – Appointed by the Academic Senate
- Five (5) classified members – Appointed by the Classified Senate
- Two (2) Deans Council members – Appointed by the Vice President of Instruction and Vice President of Student Services
- Two (2) management members – Classified Managers
- ITS AA – provide scheduling, minutes, and recollections
Decisions: Consensus
Reporting: Recommendations may be forwarded by the chair to the Superintendent/President and/or Executive Council
Meetings: Once a month
Agenda: Email sent to committee members and posted on Inside.Sierra
Recollections: Email sent to committee members and posted on Inside.Sierra
Purpose: This committee exists to develop and implement emergency procedures and protocols. Additionally, the committee trains members of this committee to serve various roles in the District’s Incident Command Team.
Membership: Faculty, staff and managers – anyone interested in helping to prepare the college for emergencies. Accepted on volunteer basis.
Chair: Head of security for District
Decisions: Consensus
Reporting: No annual report. Reports to Executive Council.
Meetings: No set schedule
Agenda: By email to active members, and in the IRT group in mySierra
Recollections: By email to active members, and in the IRT group in mySierra
Purpose: To provide a ‘form/fit/function’ review of all proposed facility projects with the intent of ensuring compliance with: a.) Applicable and appropriate codes and standards (District, State and Federal); b.) The strategic plans of Sierra College; and c.) to inform District Deans of facility or project issues and actions that may affect instruction.
Membership: All Deans are standing members and a representative from each operational area (typically appointed by the manager of that area). Term is undefined.
Chair: Director of Facilities and Construction, Deputy Chair: Deputy Director of Plant Operations
Decisions: The Council has no authority to make decisions for the District, but does review facilities-related proposals and makes recommendations to the Executive Team to approve proposals that the Council supports.
Reporting: No annual report; reports to the Executive Team as appropriate.
Meetings: Monthly
Agenda: Posted on BoardDocs
Recollections: Posted on
Purpose: To promote and sustain a district-wide safety mindset through proactive collaboration to foster employee interest, involvement, and prevention of workplace safety mishaps. Generate involvement through safety training activities, information sharing and creating a culture of safety while highlighting “best practices” and “outstanding performers” across the district.
- Educate managers, supervisors, and employees throughout the year on safety & emergency management topics
- Provide a forum for safety trend discussions, problem solving and proactive mishap prevention
- Provide periodic “spotlights” of safety concerns, best practices and/or mishap trends to employees
- Provide guidance on unsafe conditions, proper identification and injury reporting procedures
- Assist in ensuring compliance with state and federal health and safety standards
Membership: Representatives from each campus site and a minimum of one representative from each of the following areas. 2-year terms and there is no limit to the number of terms served.
- Chief of Security
- Facilities or designee
- Risk Management
- Management
- Classified
- Faculty
- Student Representative and/or ASSC representative
- SCFA representative
- UPEC representative
- Rocklin PD
Chair: Safety and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Decisions: Majority vote. Small funding budget for safety enhancements not already covered by department budgets.
Reporting: Reports will be provided to the President as needed for safety-related concerns affecting campus district operations and student/employee safety.
Meetings: Monthly on the 3rd Wednesday, during the semester
Agenda: Emailed to committee members
Recollections: Emailed to committee members
Purpose: To support the enhancement of wellness for all District employees through dialogue, education and opportunities, utilizing no dedicated district funding. The budget stresses prompted this group to evolve to improve the moral of the staff, and to serve employees of the Sierra College District.
Goals: Set goals for developing wellness projects, educational newsletters and other health opportunities that address the six spiritual components of wellness (psychological, social, physical, environmental, intellectual and spiritual) with input from Human Resources, faculty and staff in the areas of Physical Education, Health, Nutrition and Staff Development.
Membership: This is a volunteer committee which is open to any employee of the District, and is comprised of managers, faculty and classified staff.
Chair: Faculty Chair/ Physical Education and Athletics
Decisions: Collaboration
Reporting: Yearly goal setting; accomplishments are sent to President
Meetings: Monthly
Agenda: Informally developed as ideas are solicited from members of the committee
Recollections: None
There are two bargaining units at Sierra College: United Public Employees of California, Local 792 (UPEC) and Sierra College Faculty Association (SCFA). To learn more, visit Collective Bargaining and Compensation by Employee Group.