We can help you find the program that fits your passion and interests
Marie Joy Valdez, Success Center Specialist
Certificate in Fire Academy
Our Firefighter 1 and 2 Academy is offered through partnerships with the Placer and Nevada County Fire Chief’s Associations and the City of Roseville Fire Department. Sierra College is recognized by the California State Fire Marshal and the State Board of Fire Services as an Accredited Regional Training Program. Learn More
Before you apply for Firefighter 1 Academy, you must complete the following prerequisites:
Complete the Fire Protection Organization (Fire Tech 1) course
Have a current California Emergency Service Authority EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate or Paramedic certificate
These courses are offered at Sierra College.
See the full list of all required and elective courses in this program.
Become an emergency medical technician (EMT) by earning an Emergency Medical Services Certificate.
Put Your Mind to It
Once you’ve successfully completed the Academy, you will meet the training requirements for the California State Fire Marshall Firefighter 1. You can then apply for the certification after successful completion of the task book and experience requirements.
The importance of local training for the next generation of first responders has never been clearer than right now.
Willy Duncan, Sierra College President/Superintendent
Firefighter Academy Program Information
Our Firefighter 1 and 2 Academy is offered through partnerships with the Placer and Nevada County Fire Chief’s Associations and the City of Roseville Fire Department. Sierra College is recognized by the California State Fire Marshal and the State Board of Fire Services as an Accredited Regional Training Program.
The required 80% academic standard for the Firefighter 1 and 2 Academy is rigorous. Candidates need to be aware at the outset that this will place extraordinary demands on their time and resources.
The Firefighter 1 Academy is offered in two different formats:
Full-time Monday through Friday or,
Extended format of evening and weekend classes, which enables students to maintain employment while preparing for a career in the fire service
Roseville Training Center/Fire Academy Schedule
Fall Academy: early July through December
Spring Academy: early January through June
Classes conducted on most weeknights and weekend days
Nevada County Campus Schedule
Spring Academy: late January through May
Classes conducted on weekdays, with a few weekends
Academy Core Values
Honor: Guides firefighters to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior.
Courage: Is the mental, moral and physical strength ingrained in firefighters.
Devotion to Duty: The selfless devotion to act or course of action that is required of one’s position
Acceptance into the Fire Academy is by an application process.
Fall 2025 Roseville application will be available Monday, March 31 at 8am through Friday, April 11 at noon
Spring 2026 Grass Valley and Roseville applications will be available: Monday, Sept. 29 at 8am through Friday, Oct. 10 at noon
Material and Uniform Costs: Some personal protective equipment will be provided by the Academy, with the exception of: footwear, hoods, gloves (for health reasons). Students must also provide their own uniforms. Specifications and sources for these items will be provided upon being accepted for enrollment in the Academy.
Financial Aid: Some students may be eligible to receive financial aid. Both Board of Governor’s Fee Waivers and Federal Financial Assistance may be viable options for students seeking assistance. Learn more about Sierra College Financial Aid.
Books: FT 100 books will be available for purchase online and at the Sierra College Bookstore. Details will be made available in the Acceptance Letter.
Fees: Enrollment fees, as set by the California State Legislature, are $46 per unit and are subject to change. Students will be responsible for the difference in enrollment fees if such changes are enacted by the Legislature.
The following list is estimated expenses to participate in the Academy.
Medical Evaluation and Spirometry
Cost varies. Evaluations are available at the Sierra College Health Center, Rocklin Campus. Call (916) 660-7490 for appointment.
Enrollment Fee
$46 per unit x 19.5 units (Fire 100=17 units; FIRE 100A = 2.5 units)
Health Fee
Payable once per semester
Student Center Fee
Payable once per semester
Certification Fees
FSTEP (7 x $75)
This is the program that will allow students to study and review practical and hands-on skills from anywhere, including home.
Level A: $100* – provides student with access to all materials for the length of two consecutive semesters beginning with the semester of initial registration as long as Client is in good standing with Pinnacle and is current with all applicable contractual fees.
Level B: $119* – provides student with access to all materials for the length of two calendar years as long as Client is in good standing with Pinnacle and is current with all applicable contractual fees.
Course Materials
From approved vendors. Details provided in registration packet.
Textbook/Test Prep-Jones and Bartlett
Textbook, Student Workbook, Navigate EFOLIO, Companion Website, Course Manager, Navigate Test Prep. All in one complete price.
Additional Textbooks
Wildland Firefighting Fundamentals, NFES 1077 Incident Response Guide, NFES 2710 New Gen Fire Shelter, and ICS Field Operations Guide. Available at Sierra College Bookstore.
One 5” Clearview, White and one 2″ Clear-view, Red
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
Turnout rental
Includes Wildland rental, Structural and Wildland gloves.
Turnout “Bunker” boots
Structure Hood
Class B Trousers (2 pair)
Station Boots
1 pair
Class B Shirts
2 shirts
Baseball Cap
Class option*
Physical training uniform
Shoes, shorts, sweatshirt, sweatpants
Pen, paper, computer ink, page protectors, etc.
TOTAL (approximate)
Course Fees + Course Materials
$3,885 – 4,000
Our schedule of course meetings will be as follows:
Roseville Fire Academy Schedule
Fire Academy Physical Training (FT 100A)
Monday and Wednesday, 6 pm to 8 pm (location varies)
Firefighter 1 Academy (FIRE 100)
Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays 6 pm – 10:30 pm, and Saturday and Sundays 8 am – 6 pm
Nevada County Fire Academy Schedule
Fire Academy Physical Training (FT 100A)
Will meet before the Academy starts. Complete schedule will be passed out at orientation.
Firefighter 1 Academy (FIRE 100)
Monday through Friday, 8 am – 5 pm
Once you’ve successfully completed the Academy, you will meet the training requirements for the California State Fire Marshal Firefighter 1. You will be able to apply for your Firefighter 2 certification after successful completion of the task book and experience requirement of:
1 year as a volunteer or reserve firefighter, or
6 months as an intern/full time paid firefighter with a California fire department
Once you’ve completed Firefighter 1 Academy, you can earn other Certificates of Training*, such as:
Basic Incident Command System (ICS 100)
National Incident Management System (700a)
Confined Space Awareness
Hazardous Materials First Responder –Operational (HazMat FRO-Decon)
Fire Control 3
Firefighter Survival
Vehicle Extraction
Cal Fire –Basic Wildland Firefighter
S-130 Basic Wildland Firefighter
S-190 Beginning Fire Behavior
L-180 Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service
S-134 Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes and Safety Zones (LCES)
*Certificates of Training are subject to change
National Certification
The California State Fire Marshal Firefighter 1 and 2 curriculum is Nationally Accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) and the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board). Students who complete the Academy and Experience requirements can apply for National Certification in addition to California Certification.
Click on each instructor’s name to learn more about them.
Orion Clemens Battalion Chief, Grass Valley Fire Department
Kevin Guerrero Staff Chief, Fire Protection Operations – CalFire
John Palmer Battalion Chief, Roseville Fire Department
David Ray Division Chief, Nevada County Consolidated Fire District Retired
Joshua M. Sunde Battalion Chief, Nevada County Consolidated Fire District
Ryan Basque
Firefighter/Paramedic, Sac Metro Fire
I attended Sierra College Fire Academy in 2002. At the time, all I knew was that I wanted to be a firefighter. Sierra College provided me with the knowledge and training I needed to achieve my goals.Before the Academy, I had a strong respect for the fire service. I heard words like honor, courage, integrity, and teamwork associated with the fire service. Sierra College Fire Academy showed me the meaning of those words and taught me how they are the foundation of the fire service.Firefighters are a family, and I am still close friends with many of the people I attended Academy with over 10 years ago. I have even had the pleasure of working side-by-side with a few of them.
The Academy opened my eyes to the world of firefighting – where doing the right thing matters. Being a part of something bigger than ourselves is a privilege shared by all of us who are a part of this profession. The Academy gave me a strong foundation to build from.
I have been a firefighter since I graduated the Academy. I worked for Cal Fire, Foresthill Fire, Georgetown Fire, and am now with Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District. I’ve enjoyed this profession since day one. Every step along the way has been a blessing. I made great friends and know how fortunate I am to have the best job in the world. It all started for me with the Sierra College Fire Academy, and this is something I am proud of. Matt Lauchner
Battalion Chief, Roseville Fire Dept.
I am a proud graduate of Sierra College Fire Academy “Class 02-1.” The education and experiences the program taught me were instrumental to my successes in fire service. The para-militaristic approach to education was essential to preparing me for future experiences as a fire recruit and probationary firefighter.
The fundamental firefighting skills I learned at Sierra College are mirror images of those I experienced in numerous professional fire academies. These skills ensured a smooth transition into a career as a firefighter. The vast array of instructors that make-up the cadre derive from many local fire departments. These were familiar faces and great contacts when the time came to apply and interview for different agencies. The camaraderie and friendships made during Sierra College Fire Academy have turned into many life-long friends and co-workers.
One of my Sierra College Academy classmates is now the engineer on my crew. Many other graduates of “Class02-1” are career firefighters for departments including Sacramento City, Sacramento Metro, West Sacramento, Rocklin, Cal Fire, and Roseville. In 2011 I promoted to the Rank of Captain at Roseville Fire Department. I can attribute many of my successes to the knowledge, skills, and abilities I learned while attending the Sierra College Fire Academy. Greg Fonts
Firefighter, West Sacramento Fire Dept.
Ask yourself this question “What experience and or qualifications do I have that sets me apart from all other fire candidates?” In your answer, were you able to list a Firefighter 1 academy? Today’s job market has become beyond competitive. It is not unusual to be testing against thousands of other applicants for only a handful of positions. It is also becoming a standard requirement to have a Firefighter 1 certificate in the list of qualifications to even be able to apply for a position.
I was lucky enough, at the age of 21, to be offered a full-time fire position pending my passing a grueling 18-week city fire academy. The tools and experience that I gained at the Sierra College Academy not only made getting through that 18 weeks easier, but also helped me get hired faster.
Basic fire skills such as hose pulls, ladder throwing, knot tying and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) donning are some of the essentials of the job. Laying a strong foundation can be the difference of landing that job or not. Also, the friendships and networks that you establish in the Sierra Academy can not only help you get hired but will stick with you throughout your career.
If you choose to attend, you will have access to one of the best training towers in the region and have a realistic view on the day-to-day activities of the firehouse. Drill instructors will push your physical and mental limits, and you will be earning college credits while having fun! So, what are you waiting for? Chris Allen
Sac Metro Fire, Firefighter/Paramedic
I attended Sierra College Fire Academy and am proud to say that I graduated from Class 02-1. I believe that Sierra College Fire Academy did an excellent job preparing me for a job in the fire service. I also believe that I would not have been as successful in obtaining employment as a firefighter without the help of Sierra College. They provided me with a strong foundation to build my firefighting career upon. I continue to use the skills that I learned as a member of 02-1 in my current role as a Firefighter/Paramedic.
American River College EMT (1999)
Sierra College Fire Academy (02-1)
South Placer Fire District (2002 – December 2005)
Sac Metro Fire (January 2006 – Present)
Damian Webber
Firefighter, Reno City Fire
Attending the Sierra College Fire Academy in 2003 was by far the best move I could have made to start my career in the fire service. The instruction and knowledge that I received from the academy was key in my landing a job with the Reno Fire Department two years after I graduated.
The instructors who were there at the time really wanted you to pass and succeed in the fire service. They inspired me to come back as a volunteer instructor after I graduated, and I have been there ever since. I love it so much. I have actually been doing it for free, as a volunteer, for the past 10 years.
It feels good when graduates of Sierra contact me and let me know how the instruction they received from me or other instructors helped them get past a fear or a hurdle they thought they never could. Sierra’s program has been instrumental in my success and I am happy to say I am a graduate from this prestigious academy! 03-1 BABY!!!
James Vincent Roseville Fire Department, Firefighter/Paramedic
I am a proud graduate of the Sierra College Regional Fire Academy 06-2, “United Together, Brothers Forever.” I spent nine years both as an EMT and Paramedic at American Medical Response (AMR), worked as a seasonal firefighter with Cal Fire for two years, and am currently a firefighter/paramedic with the City of Roseville Fire Department. I attribute my professional success to the training I received at Sierra College.
At Sierra College, I learned the fundamental skills necessary for a career in the fire service. I learned how to search for victims, pull hose, extricate victims from a vehicle accident, rappel down the side of a building, throw a ladder and utilize a wide array of tools and equipment.
I also acquired skills that are harder to teach and harder to learn. I learned to face my fears of confined spaces, heights, the dark, and failure. I learned that attention to detail is actually the foundation of any successful operation. I learned to love and trust the brother standing next to me even more than myself. Most of all, I learned that my own internal attitude was the single most important factor for success.
The skills I learned and the attitude I developed were both critical elements in landing my dream job. I attribute my success in the Academy to the fantastic instructors, excellent curriculum and real-world equipment used. These days, many fire departments require applicants to have successfully completed a Firefighter I academy just to submit a job application. If you bring “the will,” the Sierra College Regional Fire Academy will help you find “the way.”
Chris Silvas Firefighter, Grass Valley City Fire Department
After serving six years in the U.S. Army – with two of those years served in Baghdad, Iraq – I started my path to fulfilling my second dream in life: to becoming a firefighter through Sierra College in March 2010. I was inspired as a child by my father who worked with the Los Angeles Fire Department and is now a paramedic in Placer County with American Medical Response (AMR).
I attended EMT school and completed all of my Fire Tech Classes through Sierra College before attending Sierra College’s Regional Fire Academy in 2012. I am a proud graduate of Class 12-1.
Sierra College’s Fire Tech Program and Fire Academy, in my opinion, are the best around. They offer the highest quality of instructors by ensuring they not only have a degree in Fire Tech, but also have several years of full-time firefighter experience. The combination of being ‘on paper’ and in the ’streets’ qualified offered, what I believe to be, the best instructors around. They not only taught you the skills you need to be successful, but also ensured you understood what it meant to be a firefighter in today’s fire service.
The professionalism and dedication to absolute excellence is evident in the Core Values of the Fire Academy: Honor, Courage, and Devotion to Duty. The excellent training helped prepare me to interview and earn a position as an intern with the Grass Valley City Fire Department in July 2012. I spent 6 months working as a full-time intern where I was able to earn real-world, full-time firefighter experience on an engine and a truck company.
Immediately following the end of my Internship in Dec 2012, I not only graduated with my degree in Fire Tech, but also earned my State Firefighter I Certificate. Following this, I was able to earn a spot with the Diamond Springs/El Dorado Fire District as a Volunteer Resident Firefighter. I worked with them from Jan 2013 to July 2013 while attending Paramedic School. In August 2013, I was hired by the Grass Valley City Fire Department full-time as a firefighter. This all occurred just over one year after I graduated the Fire Academy. I could not have accomplished this without the amazing training I received at the Sierra College Regional Fire Academy.
With more than 50 programs in total, something is bound to align with your goals. Find out which one is the right fit for you.
Fire Technology
Get all the skills you will need to start your career in the fire service. You will learn how to ensure safety and minimize the loss of life and property on a daily basis.
Get the knowledge and skills you need to work in healthcare. Earn your EMT certification to work in emergency medical services or start your career as a doctor, nurse and more.