What is NEOGOV or NEOED (Government Jobs)?
NEOGOV, also known as NEOED or GovernmentJobs.com, is the Applicant Tracking System used by Sierra College and many other public sector agencies where applicants may search and apply for employment opportunities.
Having trouble accessing the NEOGOV/NEOED website?
We first recommend trying a different browser. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer, maybe try Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. The NEOGOV/NEOED system may encounter issues if you are using Mozilla Firefox to complete and submit your application.
We recommend applicants contact NEOGOV/NEOED’s Applicant Support Line at (855) 524-5627 if you need assistance with your online applicant account. Applicant Support is available between 6:00 am and 5:00 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday or use the Help Guide.
How can I find out the status of my employment application?
Sign in to your NEOGOV/NEOED account that was created when you applied to check the status of your employment application. You can get more detailed status information for all applications by clicking on Applications & Status in the top menu bar (in the pulldown below your name). The Submitted button displays all applications that you have successfully submitted. You can also click on History to see more information. This can include a summary of the steps in the hiring process: The Incomplete button displays all applications that you started but did not complete. Click on the job title, and then Apply to complete the application. You can click the trash can icon if you want to delete an application without completing it. For more information please review the NEOGOV/NEOED/Government Jobs Help Guide.
What does it mean in NEOGOV/NEOED when it says “Committee Review”?
Committee Review means that the hiring committee members are currently reviewing and assessing the application materials for all applicants. Committee members may review applications for 2-3 weeks.
Do I need to upload all (both undergraduate and graduate) transcripts?
Yes, for all positions that have a degree requirement, transcripts must be uploaded for any degrees conferred. Please note that unofficial transcripts are permissible; however, upon hire, official transcripts will be required/requested. The transcripts are used for determining whether you meet the minimum qualifications for the position (to show all classes have been completed), and for salary placement for faculty positions.
What if I am unable to upload multiple transcripts in NEOGOV/NEOED?
First, please make sure you are using one of the following Internet browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. You should see an option that says “Add supplemental attachment” with a plus sign. Please click on that option to include additional documents to your application.
I submitted my application, but I see an error. How do I update my application after submission?
NEOGOV/NEOED/Government Jobs has an Applicant Support Line at (855) 524-5627 that you may contact if you need assistance with your online applicant account. Applicant Support is available between 6:00 am and 5:00 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
I submitted my application for the adjunct/part-time faculty and/or substitute-temporary employment pool, what is the status of my application?
These positions are based on department need each semester. In order to create a pool of qualified applicants, Sierra College accepts applications in all subject areas and conducts interviews for teaching positions throughout the year. Applications are kept in the hiring pool for a period of two years. The number of open positions varies from semester to semester. If your application materials, meet the requirements needed for the department, the Division Dean, Department or Hiring Chair will contact you directly for an interview when a position becomes available. We appreciate your interest in Sierra College!
How long is the recruitment process typically?
For classified or management positions, it can take between 6-8 weeks. For faculty positions, it can take between 14-16 weeks. These timelines reflect from when the position opens to when it is filled. Although this is a typical timeline, depending on a variety of circumstances, the timeline could be shorter or longer. Please check your application status in NEOGOV/NEOED/Government Jobs.
What does it mean for a position to need Board approval?
Board approval means that as a public institution all of our positions must be approved by our Board of Trustees and individuals hired cannot start their employment until after the Board of Trustees approves that hire.
If I am applying for a faculty position, when would my start date be?
The recruitment process begins at least a semester prior to the start date for a faculty position. For example, if the recruitment process is taking place in the Spring Semester, this is typically for a Fall Semester hire.