Pregnancy and Parenting Rights
Do You Know Your Pregnancy and Parenting Rights?
Did you know Title IX prohibits sex discrimination and protects students, employees, and applicants from discrimination based on sex, including parental status and pregnancy? Parental status may include a biological parent, an adoptive parent, a foster parent, a stepparent, or legal custodian or guardian.
Pregnancy or related conditions include pregnancy, childbirth, loss or termination of pregnancy, lactation, and medical conditions or recovery from medical conditions related to childbirth, postpartum conditions, loss or termination of pregnancy, or lactation. Pregnancy protections apply to a current, potential, or past pregnancy or related conditions.
Title IX requires that when a Sierra College employee is informed of a student’s pregnancy or related condition, the employee provides the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information and informs that person that the Title IX Coordinator can prevent sex discrimination and ensure the student’s equal access to the school’s education program or activity. The Title IX Coordinator at Sierra College is the Director of Diversity, EEO and Title IX, who may be reached at:
Title IX and Equal Employment Opportunity Office
Rocklin Campus, U Building
(916) 660-7006
Pregnancy Reporting and Complaint Options
Employee Reporting of Student Pregnancies
Employees who learn about a student’s pregnancy or related conditions, should notify the Title IX Office by emailing the Title IX Team at EEOT9@sierracollege.edu and 9confidential@sierracollege.edu or calling (916) 660-7006.
Online reporting is available by submitting a Request for Pregnancy-Related Protections on the Sierra College Report It page. Students may also request classroom or other accommodations from Student Accessibility Services (SAS) by calling (916) 660-7460.
Reporting Concerns and Complaint Options
Students, employees, or applicants for employment who believe they may have been harassed or discriminated against based on pregnancy or related conditions, including termination of pregnancy, may contact the Director of Diversity, EEO and Title IX at (916) 660-7006 or email EEOT9@sierracollege.edu to discuss their concerns. Or they may submit an Unlawful Discrimination Complaint Form to the Sierra College District by emailing the Director of Diversity, EEO and Title IX at EEOT9@sierracollege.edu.
In addition, anyone who experiences or observes discrimination in education programs or activities based on sex, including pregnancy and related conditions, may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
Lactation Spaces
Sierra College is committed to the success of our working parents and students, and as per Title IX, California Law and Sierra College policies, lactation facilities are available to employees, students, and visitors. Lactation areas can be found at each of our locations. Click on the lactation icon on the map to find the exact location and contact information:
As part of the new facilities master plan, as a result of the Measure E bond, additional lactation facilities will be added to the campus.
Family-Friendly Study Room
A family-friendly study room can now be reserved in the Rocklin Campus Library.
Learn More
Get in Touch
LaToya Jackson
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)/Title IX Employer
Sierra College is an equal employment opportunity employer committed to nondiscrimination and the achievement of diversity and equity among its faculty, staff, and students. Persons with inquiries about the application of Title IX, Senate Bill 493, and/or EEO may contact the Director of Diversity, EEO and Title IX (Title IX Coordinator) at (916) 660-7006 or via email at EEOT9@sierracollege.edu.