Course Placement
Course Assessment/Placement and Prerequisite Clearance
We offer placement recommendations for English and math courses and a Guided Self-Placement for students enrolling in English as a Second Language (ESL) courses.
Our placement process is compliant with California Assembly Bill (AB) 705 and AB 1805, which requires California Community Colleges to maximize the probability that a student who is seeking an Associates Degree and/or transfer to a four-year university will complete transfer-level coursework in English and math, either with or without support, within one year. Additionally, we will use multiple measures to ensure students are placed in the appropriate class(es) for them. For students enrolling in:
- English and math, this includes using high school performance data, such as last completed high school English and math classes and high school grade point average (GPA) for determining placement.
- for credit English as a Second Language classes, this includes using a Guided Self Placement Tool to determine course(s) to take.
English and Math Placement

Find out which English and math classes you should start taking.
Sierra College is breaking down barriers for students to enroll in transfer-level English and math classes so you can graduate and/or transfer to a four-year university sooner.
How Does it Work?
For students enrolling in English and math, this includes using the following documentation to determine your placements:
- high school performance data, such as last completed high school English and math classes and/or high school grade point average (GPA) for determining placement
- college transcripts from another college where transfer-level English or math courses were completed
If you do not have high school performance data or prior college transcripts, contact Assessment and Placement Services.
Placement Help Articles and Resources
Schedule ESL Guided Self Placement

We want to help you enroll in ESL classes that are the best fit for you.
For students whose primary language is not English, consider taking English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. ESL classes can help students improve their English, including writing, reading, speaking and listening. Credit and free, non-credit classes are available.
Not Sure What ESL Classes to Take?
To get started, schedule a Guided Self Placement appointment by calling Assessment and Placement Services – Rocklin Campus or visiting us on the Rocklin Campus (Building LT, Room 1).
The Guided Self Placement appointment will help determine your level of English, what course(s) you should start with, and will include a brief conversation with an ESL faculty member.
Frequently Asked Questions About AB 705 and AB 1805
Learn more about AB 705 and AB 1805, and what they mean for students.
Get In Touch
Assessment and Placement Services — Rocklin
Building Lt, Room 1