Affordable Education

At Sierra College, we’re proud to offer an affordable education close to home. With financial aid, scholarships, and two years free, Sierra College can fit your budget.

Percentage of Sierra College students who receive financial aid
Estimate cost to attend Sierra College
Apply for scholarships
Students who have qualified for two years of free tuition
Learn more about Two Years Free

Satisfactory Academic Progress and Your Financial Aid: Why It Matters

If you receive financial aid, you must meet certain Satisfactory Academic Progress standards by keeping a Good Academic Standing. Not meeting the standards can prevent you from continuing to receive financial aid. Watch the video to learn more about the importance of keeping your academic progress in good standing and resources to help you bump up your standing. For more details, visit Required: Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Watch this video to learn more about Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Mire este video para obtener más información sobre el Progreso Académico Satisfactorio.


Find out if you qualify for financial aid. Before you apply for financial aid, use the:  

Ways to Pay

We offer a variety of financial aid options to help you pay for college tuition, fees, books and cost-of-living expenses.


Use these resources to stay on track and receive financial aid. Reach out if you have any questions.

Privacy and Reinstatements

Contact Us

Financial Aid Services — Rocklin


Building L

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 8am-5:30pm, F: 9am-1pm;

Summer: M-Th, 8am – 5:30pm, closed Fridays

Financial Aid Services — Nevada County

Nevada County

Building N1, Room 112

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 8:30am-5pm;

F: 8:30am-noon; Summer: M-Th, 8:30am – 5pm, closed Fridays