Representing Student Voices

The Student Senate provides students with the opportunities to participate in the college’s participatory governance process, to work with the Sierra College community to develop activities, support programs and services that promote student success and enhance our campus community.

About the Student Senate

You will find being a member of the Student Senate is both rewarding and demanding at the same time. The skills you develop working with the faculty and staff on campus, you will use long after you leave Sierra College.

The Student Senate is responsible for an annual working budget of over $275,000 in program funds. Thank you for your support of the Associated Students.

On this page, learn about:

ASSC student senate members
The 2024-25 ASSC student senate are all in and claws out when it comes to supporting Sierra College students.

2025-26 ASSC General Election Information

ASSC Student Senate Appointment Process

ASSC Student Senate relies on the appointment process to fill vacancies. One exception being the Student Senate President/Student Trustee position, which is an elected position. Students interested in participating in the appointment process must meet the requirements set forth by the California Education Code, Sierra College’s Administrative Procedures and Board Policies, and ASSC Constitution and Student Senate Bylaws. To request a student senate appointment packet, email Mary Vogel.


  • Be enrolled in the community college at the time of election, and throughout the student’s term, with a minimum of five (5) semester units, or the equivalent quarter units.
  • Meet and maintain the minimum standards of scholarship prescribed for community college students by the community college district.
  • Be enrolled in an adult education program offered by a community college district pursuant to Article 9 (commencing with Section 84900) of Chapter 5 of Part 50, at the time of the election and throughout the student’s term.
  • Be enrolled in the community college at the time of election, and throughout the student’s term, and is a disabled student, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 84850.

Appointment Process

  1. Complete and submit the Appointment Packet application and include your resumé 
  2. Candidates must attend (3) three consecutive Student Senate meetings prior to the interview
  3. Interviews will take place on the third Student Senate meeting
  4. Student Senate will vote on the appointment the week following the interview
  5. Interviews are conducted in the order completed applications are received
  6. Position descriptions are located in the Student Senate Bylaws

2024-25 Student Senate

Rocklin Student Senate Officers

Jose Lopez Rubio
Student Trustee/President

John Pakyurek
Executive Vice President

Ben Rosario
Director of Finance

Marcus King
Director of Communication

Rishida Williams
Director of Public Relations

Jacob Roe
Director of Campus Affairs

Kevin Hill
Director of Programs

NCC Student Senate OfficerS

Contact the NCC Student Senate via email:

Laura Murphy
Vice President

AJ Janow

Abby Liller
Communications Coordinator

Student Senate Meetings

Rocklin Meetings

Student Senate meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend. During the fall and spring semesters, the Student Senate holds hybrid meetings (in-person and via Zoom) every Thursday from 2 to 4pm.

  • In-person Location: LR 133 (unless otherwise noted on agenda)
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 870 4891 4838
    Password: assc2024

Student Senate does not meet during college breaks or recess.

NCC Meetings

The Nevada County Campus Student Senate meets Tuesdays from 10 – 11am in the ASSC office (N5-104). Agendas and minutes are posted on the Student Senate bulletin board (N5-103).

Meetings are chaired by the NCC Vice President and decisions are made by the NCC Student Senators who are elected by the students of NCC. Any student is welcome to attend.

Ncc Student Senate 2024 25

Student Senate Bylaws and Constitution

The Associated Students’ Constitution defines our mission, purpose and structure. We pledge to serve Sierra College Students in their best interest. The Associated Students of Sierra College Constitution (May 2014) belongs to the students of Sierra College. To revise it, the Student Senate must bring it forward for a district-wide student vote.

The Student Senate Bylaws include Financial Code, Duties and Responsibilities, and Election Code. The Student Senate Bylaws define our organization and financial structure as outlined in the Constitution. The Student Senate votes to change and upgrade these bylaws as needed.

Inter Club Council (ICC)

Inter Club Council is an organization reporting to the Student Senate that represents the needs and interests of all campus clubs and works to promote interaction and collaboration among the campus clubs. Any student is welcome, whether it’s current club member or students looking to start a club.

During the fall and spring semesters, ICC holds hybrid meetings (in-person and via Zoom) the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 4 pm to 5 pm.

  • In-person Location: LR 133 (unless otherwise noted on the agenda)
  • Zoom Meeting ID: 850 6339 6582
    Password: assc2024
Inter Club Council

Faculty of the Year Award Nominations

The “Faculty of the Year” award is to acknowledge those professors who go beyond simply lecturing students; they bring learning alive. They are more than just professors; they are role models and mentors in and out of the classroom. Each year the Student Senate nominates professors as “Faculty Members of the Year” for each of the four campuses.