Visit our three Sierra College library locations and learn more about our hours and locations. Plus review our library policies, including instruction lab/classroom reservations and study room terms and conditions.
Library Locations

Rocklin Campus Library
Circulation and Reserves: (916) 660-7230 | Reference: (916) 660-7232 | Library Staff: Rocklin Library Directory

Nevada County Campus Library
Circulation and Reserves: (530) 274-5304 | Reference: (530) 274-5280 | Library Staff: NCC Library Directory
Library Policies
The Sierra College Libraries follow all the administrative and board policies of Sierra College. These additional policies provide guidance over the unique situations in our academic library environment.
The library provides books, periodicals, audio-visual, electronic materials, online databases and other materials to support and supplement the programs at Sierra College.
The Collection Development Policy will provide guidelines for librarians and instructional faculty in the selection, deselection, acquisition, assessment and cancelation of materials for the Sierra College Library. The Policy will also serve to inform the college community about selection principles.
The libraries’ collections provide for the free exchange of ideas in accordance with the Library Bill of Rights as adopted by the American Library Association. No materials will be excluded on the basis of the author’s use of language or manner of dealing with racial, religious, political, sexual, social, economic, scientific, or moral issues, or because of the author’s race, religion, or sexual orientation. Items that may be considered controversial by some patrons may be selected if their content fits into the selection criteria and contributes to the range of viewpoints and the effectiveness of the collection.
Sierra College’s core values include empowering students in their education, striving toward student success and continuous improvement, and being an inclusive and equitable community. Sierra College Libraries acknowledge existing and historical biases and structural inequities and work toward removing barriers to the collection and information. We strive to build intentional collections that recognize, value, and embrace the diverse experiences and multiple identities.
Responsibility for Selection
Librarians are responsible for selecting all material and for planning and maintaining the overall quality and balance of the collection.
Faculty input is integral to ensure library holdings are current, authoritative, and appropriate for all offered programs. Faculty should regularly assess the adequacy of library holdings in their subject areas and recommend materials that support student assignments in their courses. It is recommended that
faculty preview materials or read reviews before requesting that the library purchase an item.
Staff and students are encouraged to suggest new materials with the understanding that not all requested material will be purchased.
Materials request forms are available online.
Selection of Materials
The library selects materials which:
- Support the curriculum at Sierra College
- Provide basic information in all major fields of human knowledge
- Provide information on current events, local, national, and international issues
- Provide information relating to academic success, vocational guidance, and college transfer
- Recognize, value, and embrace the diverse experiences and multiple identities at Sierra College
- Provide recreational reading as funds permit
- Provide research, perspectives, and experiences of historically marginalized scholars and communities
The library collects materials appropriate to undergraduate research and the reading level of Sierra College students. More advanced research materials may be requested through interlibrary loan.
Course Reserve
The Reserves collection exists to provide students access to textbooks and required supplementary course material. Textbooks are purchased in new condition from Library vendors at faculty request, as funds and publisher availability allow. Instructors may also place their own copy of a textbook on Reserve for students to use. This collection is not exhaustive and is dependent on grant funds and donations.
Older editions and multiple copies of the same edition are not typically purchased due to budgetary restrictions.
Librarian Methodology for Selection
- Material which supports the college’s educational programs
- Material that is current or important in the field
- Potential use
- Reputable and authoritative author and publisher
- Availability of material on the subject/uniqueness
- Positive reviews in library or other important journals
- Attractive, readable, and high-quality format
- Price
- Contribution to student well-being and campus community
- . Priority will be given to materials that support historically marginalized and disproportionately impacted
Resources for Selection
- Faculty outreach (memos, conversations)
- Reviews in professional publications (e.g., Choice, Library Journal)
- Requests from faculty, staff or students
- Publishers’ catalogs
- Bibliographies (e.g., Guide to Reference Books)
Streaming and Film Selection
The library provides access to films largely through subscription databases.
Films and video licensing is acquired on a case-by-case basis, using the library’s selection criteria. All films acquired by the library must be closed captioned.
The library is unable to purchase public performance rights for specific videos because it does not align with our selection criteria and is often prohibitively expensive.
To allow room for growth and provide current materials, the library must periodically deselect (i.e., weed or remove) titles. Faculty members are encouraged to provide input in the deselection process.
Deselection Criteria
- Appearance or condition (worn, damaged)
- Relevance to current educational program/courses being taught
- Duplication
- Older and outdated editions
- Use (low circulation and the material is no longer considered important to our collection)
- Accuracy of content
Sierra College Archives
The mission of the Sierra College Archives is to collect, preserve, and make accessible materials that document the history and development of the college and the stories of those who have worked and studied at the institution.
The Sierra College Archives accepts material that:
- Document milestones in the College’s history
- Highlight contributions and achievements of individuals connected to the institution
- Reflect the diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences of the College community
- Offer insight into the social, cultural, and educational context of the College’s existence
Replacement of Lost Items
An item is considered lost when it has been missing for 30 days. Lost items are replaced after one year of being misplaced based on the following criteria:
- Importance of the item to the collection
- Demand for the item
- If there is a great demand for a missing item, a second copy may be ordered while the search is continued
Due to the library’s limited collection space, books and other material gifts are only accepted at the discretion of Sierra College Librarians, on a title-by-title basis. Gifts will be added to the collection using the same selection criteria for new materials as stated above. The library reserves the right to keep, display, sell, or otherwise dispose of any accepted materials.
The library provides books, periodicals, audio-visual, electronic materials, online databases and other materials to support and supplement the programs at Sierra College.
The Collection Development Policy will provide guidelines for librarians and instructional faculty in the selection, deselection, acquisition, assessment and cancelation of materials for the Sierra College Library. The Policy will also serve to inform the college community about selection principles.
The libraries’ collections provide for the free exchange of ideas in accordance with the Library Bill of Rights as adopted by the American Library Association. No materials will be excluded on the basis of the author’s use of language or manner of dealing with racial, religious, political, sexual, social, economic, scientific, or moral issues, or because of the author’s race, religion, or sexual orientation. Items that may be considered controversial by some patrons may be selected if their content fits into the selection criteria and contributes to the range of viewpoints and the effectiveness of the collection.
Sierra College’s core values include empowering students in their education, striving toward student success and continuous improvement, and being an inclusive and equitable community. Sierra College Libraries acknowledge existing and historical biases and structural inequities and work toward removing barriers to the collection and information. We strive to build intentional collections that recognize, value, and embrace the diverse experiences and multiple identities.
Controversial Materials
The library supports the Library Bill of Rights adopted by the American Library Association. The library does not promote any particular beliefs or views. Materials are selected representing differing viewpoints on controversial issues to provide individuals with free access to the information needed to formulate their own opinions.
Requests for Reconsideration
Anyone wishing to protest the inclusion of an item in the library may do so by completing a Request for Reconsideration form. The request form will be forwarded to the Dean of the Library and Learning Resources. A committee of Sierra College librarians in consultation with the dean will review the request.
Library Cardholder Responsibilities
- Borrowers must agree to return borrowed items on or before due dates and comply with the policies of Sierra College.
- Cardholders are responsible for the physical condition of any items checked out on their card.
- Policy violations and failure to return items in good condition or pay replacement fees will result in registration holds and/or suspension of borrowing privileges.
- Do not lend your library card to anyone, including family members.
- Cards are issued to individuals, not families or businesses.
Borrower Categories
- Current Sierra College Students, Faculty and Staff – A current Sierra College ID is required to borrow library items including course reserves. Current Sierra College students, faculty and staff may either use a college ID (must be scannable) or verify their student ID number by providing another form of valid ID:
- Photo Driver’s License
- Photo State Identification Card
- Photo US Passport
- Photo Foreign Passport
- Photo Alien Registration / Permanent Resident Card
- Photo Temporary Resident Card
- Photo Employment Authorization Card
- Photo US Military Identification Card
- Photo Tribal Identification Card
- Photo US Certificate of Naturalization
- Photo Certificate of US Citizenship
- Photo US Citizenship Identification Card
- Photo Mexican Matrícula Consular Card
- Photo High School Identification Card (for Dual Enrollment & Academic Enrichment Students)
- Social Security Card AND certified copy of birth certificate with matching nameIf no ID is available, students must verify their identity with the following:
- Student ID Number
- First and Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- Retired/Emeritus – Faculty and staff who retire with the status of emeritus receive borrowing privileges upon verification of emeritus status and completion of a library registration form. Emeritus library privileges are only for physical item checkout.
- Community Members
- Anyone can use the library’s books and research databases inside the library, but only current students can check out books. Sierra College students have priority when using computers in the library.
- Community members can join the Friends of the Library to receive a library card with limited check out privileges (3 books at a time). Sierra College Alumni can join the Alumni Association to receive the same privileges. The library card is for book check out only and does not include off-campus access to the library’s research databases.
- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)
- OLLI Tuition-free students are Sierra College registered students and can check out books as students.
- Club OLLI students do not have student accounts and must become Friends of the Library to check out books. These are available to no charge to OLLI students if they can verify they are registered for OLLI classes.
- Students and faculty do not have a quantity limit on checked out items. Students cannot check out multiples of the same item simultaneously.
- Students are permitted to check out one each: laptop with power adapter, headphones, camera, webcam, or calculator but are limited to one item of the same type simultaneously.
- Faculty and staff are responsible for obtaining public performance rights for special screenings of library or personally owned videos or DVDs; many of our streaming videos have public performance rights which can be verified on our Streaming Video Research Guide.
- Course reserve item limits are one item at a time, unless there are multiple items listed for the same course. Course reserve items have a limited checkout period, usually 3-hours at a time, for current students.
- Sierra College students have priority use of items placed on course reserve for classes.
- Friends of the Library and Retired/Emeritus patrons are not allowed to check out computer equipment (even for use in the building). Exceptions are at the discretion of library staff.
- Reference books, specified DVDs or video recordings, and certain other designated items cannot be checked out of the library. Exceptions can be made by the reference librarian on duty for Sierra College employees in special circumstances. Loan periods will be extremely limited for these items.
Loan Periods
Loanable Items | Loan Period | Number of Renewals |
General collection books | 3 weeks | Two renewals |
Course reserves | Varies by title: 3-hours, 1 day, 1 week, 1 semester | No renewals |
Laptops | 1 semester | No renewals |
DVDs | 1 week | No renewals |
Headphones | 3 hours | Limited renewals, inquire with Library Staff for extensions |
Cameras (only for students enrolled in certain Sierra College photography courses) | 3 weeks | One renewal |
Magazines (Nevada County Campus only) | 1 week | No renewals |
Podcasting Kits | 3 hours | Limited renewals, inquire with Library Staff for extensions |
Parenting Kits | 3 hours | Limited renewals, inquire with Library Staff for extensions |
Anatomy Models (Nevada County Campus only) | 6 hours | Limited renewals, inquire with Library Staff for extensions |
Most books from general/unrestricted Sierra College Libraries collections can be renewed provided there are no holds or pending requests on them and the patron’s record has not expired. Length of the renewal period varies according to loan period and borrower status.
- You can renew books online through the “sign in” link in Discover, or over the phone by calling the Learning Commons Desk at (916) 660-7230.
All books and materials are due at the end of the semester. If it is at or near the end of the semester, please contact one of the campus libraries to inquire about an extension.
Returning Library Materials
- General Collection items can be borrowed from one of the three campus libraries, can be returned to any Sierra College library, but Reserve items must be returned to the library it was checked out from.
- Outside return boxes can be used for books even when buildings are closed. However, fragile equipment (such as laptops, cameras, and kits) must be personally returned to library personnel, to avoid damage to equipment that could result in replacement fees.
Requests and Recalls
- All Sierra College Libraries circulating items are subject to recall at any time. Recalls are rare and typically only happen if the item is needed for other purposes (e.g., to be placed on reserve for a course).
- Requests can be placed on Sierra College Library materials from unrestricted collections online from on or off campus – even if the item is available. Phone requests to retrieve items from the stacks will be accepted and searched, providing there is staff available. Requests are handled daily. It generally takes 2-3 business days to ship requests between Rocklin and NCC, and about a week to ship requests from Tahoe-Truckee.
- Patrons will be notified by their campus library when the request is completed, and the book is ready to be picked up.
- Items from the Sierra College Libraries will be held 14 days after the patron is notified. The campus libraries do not mail out books off campus or through campus mail to individuals.Sierra College Libraries does not hold periodicals, reference, or any restricted collections on the special hold shelf. Exceptions might be made in special cases, but not for over 24 hours.
Overdue and Lost Items
- Overdue Items
A person is responsible for any items checked out to their account until they are returned in good condition to the Library’s book return boxes or Learning Commons Desk. The account holder is responsible whether courtesy reminder notices are received or not.
- Replacement Charges and Registration Holds
Sierra College Libraries do not charge late fines for overdue material. If library materials are not returned, they are considered lost, and a registration hold will be placed on your student account. (Library borrowing privileges may also be curtailed or suspended.) This means you will not be able to register for classes until the overdue item(s) is returned or replacement costs are paid.
General Collection Books: are considered lost after being 30 days overdue. Replacement costs consist of the full price of the book.
Reserve Materials or Anatomy Models (NCC only): If a reserve book is not returned in 2 weeks, the library has the right to charge the full price of the book.
Laptops: Loss of a college laptop must be immediately reported to Student Tech Support. For thefts, please file a police report and bring a copy to the library.
A replacement cost of $400 will be required if the laptop has not been returned by the end of the semester or has sustained significant damages resulting in a complete loss.
DVDs: are considered lost after being 30 days overdue. Replacement costs consist of the full price of the DVD.
Cameras: are considered lost after being 30 days overdue. Replacement cost is dependent upon the type of camera: DSLR: $275.00; SLR: $125.00
- Replacement Charges and Registration Holds
Students with a registration hold from the Library must return overdue item(s) or pay fees at the Cashier’s Window (Rocklin) or Admissions and Records (NCC) to remove the hold, to register for or drop classes. Contact to inquire about the hold on your account and a library staff member will follow up with you to answer your questions.
Fine payments made at the Cashier’s Office will not automatically remove a hold from your account. You must call (916) 660-7230 or go to the Learning Resource Center (Library) circulation desk to verify payment has been made. If you have a hold from a department other than the Learning Resource Center, you will need to contact that department directly.
Charges for Lost and Damaged Items
- Items that are returned damaged are billed immediately. Charges depend on the material type, the extent of damage, and whether the item can be repaired. If the item can be repaired and the damage was not intentional, we do not charge for repairs.
- Replacement charges for lost or damaged materials consist of the replacement cost of the item(s). Library Staff will work with students to determine reasonable replacement alternatives, if one exists. Below are guidelines for reasonable replacement, in lieu of being charged for the replacement cost:
- A replacement book can be purchased by the patron if the following criteria is met
- Library Staff agrees to the replacement alternative
- The copy must be the same edition lost by the patron, unless otherwise approved in advance by Library Staff
- The replacement copy must be in new condition
Appeals and Claims Returned
Patrons who question a replacement charge or claims to have returned an item they are being charged for should inquire with the Library staff at the Learning Commons Desk. Unresolved issues may be referred to an appeals process which will be reviewed by Librarians, and if needed, the Dean of the Library and Learning Resources.
If any items are reported returned by the patron but not found by Library staff, the staff member will mark the item as “claims returned” in the system. A claims returned report is generated and staff searches the shelves a minimum of three separate occasions. During this time the patron will not lose borrowing privileges or be charged for replacement costs.
Patrons can appeal replacement costs and library charges if there are mitigating circumstances that should be taken into consideration or if there is a belief that the charge has been mistakenly applied. Students can submit an appeal using the Library Fee Appeals Form. Appeals must be made within 30 business days of the billing date.
If an appeal is approved by Librarians/Dean of Library, fees will be waived and the patron’s registration hold will be cleared. If an appeal is denied, library charges will remain on the patron’s library account and further library borrowing and/or class registration will be limited until paid.
Payments and Refunds
- Only authorized library personnel can adjust or waive charges and delete messages from patron records. Student assistants are not authorized to make exceptions to circulation policy.
- Refunds are given for Sierra College library items returned in good condition, as long as the item has not already been replaced by the library.
Sierra College Libraries provide library collections and computer resources to meet the informational and instructional needs of Sierra College students, faculty and staff. We aim to provide a balanced collection of information resources representing diverse viewpoints as outlined in our Collection Development Policy. Within this context, we provide access to the Internet and online resources on computers located in all three campus libraries.
Internet access is provided exclusively for the benefit of students, employees, staff, visitors, conference attendees, invitees, and others involved in campus life and the academic community, as well as members of the public.
Computer Use and Internet Access
- The library’s public computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis to Sierra College students, staff, faculty, and community members. Community members not affiliated with Sierra College can gain guest access to the library’s public computers by visiting the Learning Commons Desk to request access.
- Note: During busy times of high use when there is a wait for computers, Sierra College students have priority over community members.
- Free wireless access is available to guests as well as Sierra students, faculty, and staff. All users must comply with the district’s Computer and Network Use policies: BP 3720 and AP 3720.
Responsible Use
Sierra College Libraries are considered shared public places. Users should be aware that some materials accessed on the Internet may be considered controversial, offensive, or inappropriate for viewing in a public setting. In accordance with AP 3720, Computer and Network Use “users are prohibited from using the District’s information systems in any way that may be disruptive or offensive to others, including, but not limited to, the intentional transmission of sexually explicit messages, graphics, cartoons, ethnic or racial slurs, or anything that may be construed as harassment or disparagement of others.”
In some situations where the display or broadcast of such materials is necessary to further a legitimate educational purpose, we ask that users be sensitive to the public nature of shared facilities. Please consult a librarian at the Research Help desk to access these materials privately.
The course reserves collection consists of items considered essential or required for a course, items that are used by various departments or programs, and items in high demand. These items are kept behind the Learning Commons Desk.
- The library will work with the instructor to keep appropriate records which ensure good custody of the item received. Library staff will attempt to recover overdue materials according to established procedures.
- A free desk copy of an assigned textbook is often available from publishers upon instructor request. Instructors are encouraged to explore this option. The majority of our Reserve Collection has been built through instructor donations.
- The library is not responsible for an instructor’s personal copy that is damaged or lost. In such an event, the borrower who lost or destroyed the item may be offered the instructor’s name to arrange a replacement. The library cannot reimburse the instructor for any late, billing, or replacement fees it collects. The library does not communicate the name of the student who lost or destroyed the instructor’s copy to the instructor.
- In adherence with district policies and federal copyright law:
- Course reserve items must be owned by the instructor, department, or Sierra College Libraries. Items that can be placed on reserve:
- Library owned books, DVDs, and other material
- Personal copies of books, media items and journals
- Items that will not be placed on reserve:
- Items owned by other libraries, external organizations, or vendors
- Items that are not exempt from copyright law, such as, but not limited to, photocopied articles and course packs
- Non-exempt copyrighted material for which written permission has not been obtained
- Personal video recordings of copyrighted content
- Workbooks or other consumables
- Course reserve items must be owned by the instructor, department, or Sierra College Libraries. Items that can be placed on reserve:
- Sierra College Libraries reserves the right to refuse any item.
Process for placing items on reserve:
- Instructors may place library owned or personal copies of materials on reserve, using the Reserve Request (online form). When you fill out the online form, you will be able to indicate your preferred method of drop-off (via library drop-off or campus mail). Please allow 1 full working day (from the library’s receipt of item) to process reserve materials. Submitted material is processed in the order in which it is received and is available to students upon completion of the processing.
- When you cannot provide a textbook for reserve, or the library doesn’t already own the material, please use the Materials Request Form to ask the library to purchase the material.
- The instructor must respond promptly to notifications from library staff or there may be delays making materials available on reserve
- Helping Your Students Access Reserve Material: After you submit a request to add an item to the library’s Reserve Collection, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from a library staff member letting you know that the reserve material is available for your students to use. Your students will need a Student ID Card in order to check out library materials.
Process for removing item on reserve:
- Since the Reserve Collection is intended for high-demand items that are required for courses in the current semester, we regularly review the collection and remove items that are not currently in use (see below for removal guidelines). Items that are removed from the Reserve Collection may be moved to the circulating collection or may be permanently removed from the library’s collections. When placing materials on reserve, you may specify whether your materials should be returned to you or donated to the library’s collections.
- Removal guidelines: Items will only remain in the course reserves collection after the original semester it was requested if all the following conditions are met:
- The instructor has requested items remain on course reserve, and
- The instructor(s) listed on the request form is teaching the course, and
- The library has a valid course reserves request form on file.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free service that provides Sierra College students, faculty and staff with materials we do not currently own.
- The lending library determines whether a particular item can be provided, the loan period, and the time it takes to process the request. Regional agreements regulating Interlibrary Loan and federal copyright law also place limitations on the types of materials that may be borrowed, as well as the number of articles that can be requested from a particular journal.
Eligibility and Borrower Responsibilities
ILL is only available to current students, faculty and staff of Sierra College; it is not available to Friends of the Library cardholders.
Borrow Responsibilities
- Patrons are responsible for ILL items until they are returned in good condition to Sierra College libraries. Items borrowed via ILL should not be returned to any other libraries. Any late fines or damage charges resulting from improper return will be assessed to the patron. The maximum number of ILL items that may be checked out at one time is 5.
- Conditions of use are set by the lending library and must be observed by each borrower so as not to jeopardize borrowing privileges for the entire Sierra College community. These include special restrictions, such as: In Library Use Only, Photocopying Not Allowed, and No Renewal.
- An item obtained on ILL is for the exclusive use of the individual making the request and becomes the borrower’s responsibility from the time of receipt until the item is returned to Sierra College Library. The borrower is responsible for any infringement of the U.S. Copyright Law regarding items on loan from other libraries.
Making ILL Requests
- Items Sierra College libraries don’t own can be requested from other libraries using the Interlibrary Loan Request Form.
- It is not necessary to know which libraries have a desired item.
- If there are any fees associated with your request, you will be notified by a library staff member to confirm you want us to proceed with this request. The Library will cover the cost if you decide to move forward.
- You will be notified if an ILL request is unavailable, the material cannot be found as cited, or the item cannot be provided without permission from the copyright owners.
- For requests between the Sierra College Rocklin, Nevada County and Tahoe-Truckee campuses, please use the “Request This Item” option via Discover! Watch this short video on how to request books from other campus libraries.
- There is a limit of 5 ILL items loaned out at the same time.
- Patrons with overdue fines or holds on their accounts may not request or checkout ILL materials.
- ILL requests will not be accepted for items currently available for check out at Sierra College Libraries. If an item is owned but checked out, patrons can place a hold on it and/or request it through Discover!
- The following items cannot be requested through interlibrary loan:
- Textbooks
- Media: CDs, DVDs, videos, audiobooks
- Reference books
- In addition to the above, most libraries will not ordinarily lend the following types of items:
- Rare or valuable items
- Whole volumes or entire issues of periodicals
- Cassette tapes, records
- Software
Turnaround Time
- The average time to obtain an ILL item varies depending on the speed in which the lending library responds and sends the resources. Factors influencing the length of time it takes to fill a request are:
- completeness and accuracy of the information provided by the requester
- location and availability of the item
- copyright restrictions
- type of delivery
- cost limits
- Articles typically arrive up to 5 business days after the request is submitted
- Books typically arrive in 2-3 weeks
- Interlibrary loans are not processed during semester breaks.
- For articles, patrons will receive notification at their Sierra College e-mail account which is provided for all students, faculty and employees of Sierra College. This is the only e-mail address that will be used for article arrival notification. E-mail notifications for articles will contain directions on how to retrieve the article
- When physical items arrive, patrons will be notified by e-mail at the address on file in their library record or by phone if no valid e-mail address is on file.
Pick-Up Location
For books, patrons have the option of specifying Rocklin, Nevada County, or Tahoe-Truckee campuses. Items can be returned to any of the campus libraries.
Renewals and Recalls
Renewals, like loan durations, are decided at the discretion of the lending library and may not always be granted. Requests to renew ILLs should be made at least 3 days prior to the due date by using the contact information on the yellow ILL book strap.
All ILL items are subject to immediate recall by the lending library. Patrons will be notified when items are recalled and given a new due date for those items.
Overdues and Penalties
Once ILL material is considered overdue, a registration hold will be placed on your account and you will not be able to register for classes. Replacement costs and fees for ILL items will be dependent upon the library who owns the materials. All borrowing privileges at Sierra College Libraries will be suspended, except for course reserves, until all ILL fees have been paid. If the item is returned, this bill cannot be waived if the billing library has already issued an invoice.
Sierra College Libraries follow U.S. Copyright Law, American Library Association guidelines, local agreements, and regulations of individual lending libraries regarding Interlibrary Loan.
Sierra College Libraries provide a variety of study and learning spaces to support the academic success and personal growth of all Sierra College students, faculty, and staff. These behavior and usage guidelines have been developed to foster a positive environment for everyone and to safeguard the diverse interests and uses of our spaces.
- While using the library’s spaces, services, and resources, students are expected to follow Sierra College’s Policies, including Administrative Policy 4040: Library and Learning Support and Board Policy 5500: Standards of Student Conduct, as well as all federal, state, and local laws to ensure a safe learning environment for all students. Some examples of behaviors that are not permitted include, but are not limited to:
- Disruptive, lewd or indecent behavior, unauthorized recording, intimidation or bullying, discrimination/harassment, destruction of property, smoking/vaping, violation of laws, and failure to comply.
- Be respectful towards and follow directions given by library staff, including student workers.
- Respect designated quiet areas (3rd floor at Rocklin campus, not including 3rd floor study rooms,1st floor at NCC).
- We allow conversations and study groups in designated areas: study rooms and the 2nd floors of Rocklin and NCC libraries.
- Food and drink are allowed in all Sierra College Libraries. We do ask that you use beverage containers with sealable lids to avoid damaging materials or equipment.
- Clean up after yourself by throwing away garbage, returning furniture back where you found it, and place books and other library materials on designated carts if you don’t intend to check them out.
- To prevent theft, please do not leave your personal belongings unattended. Library staff are not responsible or able to watch your personal belongings for you.
- In accordance with Administrative Policy 3920: Visitors on Campus: “No person under 18 years of age shall be on District properties unless enrolled in an authorized program (e.g., Academic Enrichment Program) or accompanied and supervised by an adult.”
Consequences of not adhering to the Library’s Behavior and Usage Guidelines
We want the library experience to be positive for everyone. Non-compliance with these guidelines may result in individuals being asked to leave the library.
- Library staff will verbally clarify behavioral and usage guidelines to the person(s) not adhering to them.
If unaccompanied minors are observed in the library, staff will attempt to locate the parent/caretaker and may also contact Community Safety to ensure their safety (See AP 3920 for district’s policy on unsupervised children on campus.)
If behavior persists after a verbal warning or becomes disruptive to others, library staff may ask the person to leave. Library staff may also initiate documentation procedures which will comprise identification (including photos) and broader staff notification.
- After a person has been verbally told about the behavioral and usage guidelines, any additional violations may result in initiating Student Conduct procedures in accordance with AP 5520.
- If a person’s behavior turns aggressive, combative, disrespectful, or unsafe towards library staff or student workers, Community Safety will be contacted by a library staff member.
- Members of the public (those not currently enrolled or employed at Sierra College) who do not adhere to these guidelines or district policies will be reported to Community Safety.
Library Instruction Lab/Classroom Reservations
Use of LR-212
LR-212 is the primary classroom used by Sierra College faculty librarians to teach information literacy and research skills to classes. As these classes are scheduled at varying times throughout the semester, the room must remain available for this purpose, so cannot be booked for other purposes, with a few exceptions.
- During Fall and Spring semesters, Faculty and Staff may reserve LR-212 one week in advance or less, if it’s not being used by librarians.
- Friday afternoons (12pm to 3pm), the first week, and the last two weeks of the Fall and Spring semester may be reserved further in advance any time the room is available. Except for Friday afternoons, this room may not be reserved on an ongoing basis by non-library faculty or staff.
- During Intersessions and Summer Semester the room can be booked upon request.
You can call, email or stop by the Research Help Desk on the 2nd floor of the library to inquire about reserving the classroom. Librarians can answer questions or book the classroom for you, if your request falls under the above exceptions.
Use Guidelines
- Any software added to the computers must be approved first by the library. The requestor is responsible for contacting ITS and arranging for the software installed. Any software interfering with library applications will be removed.
- Please keep the room clean by clearing any extra papers and throwing away trash.
Available Technology:
- 28 student workstations
- SMART classroom setup
N6-101 is the primary classroom used by Sierra College faculty librarians to teach information literacy and research skills to students. As these classes are scheduled at varying times throughout the semester, the room must remain available for this purpose.
Faculty and Staff may book the Library Classroom after 3:30pm for events through the AdAstra system, or by contacting the NCC Librarian at least one week in advance.
Study Rooms: Terms and Conditions
Study rooms are available to promote collaborative learning and private study among Sierra College students. Our goal is to ensure as many students as possible can use these rooms and that these rooms do not sit empty if student(s) want to use them.
- Extensions: If no one is waiting for a study room, and 2 or more rooms are available, Library staff may grant an extension. We cannot guarantee an extension will always be granted, especially during busy times of the day/semester. For an extension, inquire at the Learning Commons Desk before the initial booking is up.
- Please be aware that rooms are not soundproof. Keep the door closed while using the room and be aware of noise level.
- Please do not leave any personal material unattended. The library is not responsible for any thefts.
- Windows are to remain uncovered.
- Please keep room tidy, remove trash, and erase whiteboards.
- Study rooms must be vacated 5 minutes before the Library closes.
- Library staff reserves the right to relocate or cancel reservations in cases where students do not adhere to the above guidelines.
- Rooms can be booked in half-hour increments with a maximum advanced booking of 3 hours per day. (See All Study Rooms tab about extensions)
- Rooms may be reserved 2 weeks in advance.
- Please arrive within 10 minutes of your reserved start time. Arriving 10 or more minutes after the start time of your reservation will result in your entire reservation being cancelled.
- To confirm you are affiliated with Sierra College, we require the use of your Sierra College email address to make a reservation.
- These rooms cannot be reserved ahead of time. They are available first come, first served, for up to 3 hours per day. (See All Study Rooms tab about extensions)
- Please come to the Library’s Learning Commons Desk to inquire about availability.
The Family-Friendly Study Room is equipped with books, toys and a small couch for our students with children.
- Parent/Guardian is responsible for their children’s safety and behavior.
- Please do not leave children unattended in study room.
- Changing tables are available in the restrooms.
- Please return books and toys to their storage spaces.