Enhancing the Educational Experience of Black and African American Students Through Community, Culture and Mentorship

We are committed to providing a welcoming and supportive space for Black and African American students at Sierra College. With an emphasis on community, we offer engaging programs, people and resources that nurture your academic and personal growth.

What We Offer

Ten Black students gathered together at the Umoja booth during Wolverine Week

Ways to Meet Your Peers

Meet other students who share your interests.

Umoja Graduates

Umoja Learning Community

Support your academic and personal development through culturally relevant classes and programs. Complete the Umoja Membership Form.

Instructor teaching an Umoja Learning Community class for Black students at Sierra College

The Village

Access counselors who understand your experiences and who can assist you in your journey by connecting you with resources you may need.

Sierra College Financial Aid staff are assisting a student through the counter window


Find helpful resources available on-campus, including our CommUnity counselors. Plus, off-campus resources to meet your needs.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

African Proverb

Ways to Meet Your Peers

Student Clubs


The A2mend program promotes a sense of belonging and community for Black male students on the Sierra College campus. As a designated charter within the larger statewide network, Sierra’s A2mend program provides support, guidance, professional development, as well as leadership and networking opportunities for Black male students on campus.

Black Student Union

The Black Student Union fosters a sense of community among all students of the African Diaspora at Sierra College and to stimulate the intellectual, political, cultural, and social growth. This club is open to all Sierra College Students.


Community is central to Umoja and The Village. These are some of our events where we came together. Look for messages on Canvas and your email inbox for upcoming events.

  • Art/Music/Dance performances
  • Conferences
  • Guest speakers / Book readings
  • Movie screenings
  • Leadership and Wellbeing events
  • Black Heritage Month events
  • Year-end celebration

Student Engagement Centers

The Student Engagement Centers (SECs) offer intersectional programs and services that include and are not limited to cross cultural, LGBTQ+, and gender identities with historically marginalized, underserved, and underrepresented student-scholars. T

The SECs, which serve as brave spaces across our campuses and surrounding communities, provide student employment, leadership opportunities, and co-curricular programming that advance equity and inclusion of all student-scholars.

Umoja Learning Community

Umoja (a Kiswahili word meaning unity) is a community at Sierra College dedicated to enhancing the cultural and educational experiences of African American and other students. We are a family that helps you navigate the college environment, provides support and mentorship, motivates you towards graduation and celebrates your whole development – body, mind and spirit.

The Umoja Learning Community is open to all students and offers a strong support system with personalized attention and culturally relevant programs. Histories and voices of the African diaspora are intentionally acknowledged and woven into the learning experience. We believe that you become empowered when your voice is recognized, which is foundational to your academic and personal success.

How to Apply for Umoja

If you are a Sierra College student or considering attending Sierra College, please:

  1. Fill out and turn in the Umoja Membership Form.
  2. Complete the introduction interview with program faculty.
  3. Participate in the Umoja orientation.
Umoja is a recognized Student Success Program by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. Learn more about the Umoja Statewide Community.
Umoja is a recognized Student Success Program by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. Learn more about the Umoja Statewide Community.

Meet Your Umoja Learning Community Coordinator


The Umoja Community seeks to:

  • Educate the whole student: body, mind and spirit
  • Engage students as full participants in the construction of knowledge and critical thought
  • Help students experience themselves as valuable and worthy of an education
  • Provide the opportunity for students to add their story to the collective stories of the African diaspora
  • Improve reading, writing, self-discipline, and critical thinking skills


As a part of the Umoja family, you will benefit from:

  • A strong support system and personal attention by counselors and instructors to assist with the unique challenges facing African American students
  • Integrated instruction from caring faculty
  • Peer tutoring and supplemental instruction tutoring
  • Motivational and cultural workshops
  • Campus tours
  • Participation in the Umoja Community statewide events


  • You are expected to attend at least one Umoja counseling appointment each semester
  • You are expected to participate in Umoja-led/-sponsored activities, including planning and facilitation
  • You are expected to maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester, and be willing to accept assistance if you fall below a 2.0 GPA

Learning Community Classes

The Umoja program provides courses specially designed to help students gain a solid foundation to succeed in college.

Fall Semester Umoja Classes

Personal DevelopmentPDEV 13College and Life Success
EnglishENGL C1000 (formerly ENGL 1A)4Academic Reading and Writing
Skill DevelopmentSKDV 101How to Be a Successful Online Student
Ethnic StudiesETHN 203Introduction to African American Studies

Spring Semester Umoja Classes

Personal DevelopmentPDEV 63Career Planning
EnglishENGL 1B3Critical Thinking: Writing About Literature
EnglishENGL C1001 (formerly ENGL 1C)3Critical Thinking and Writing
Ethnic StudiesETHN 503Ethnic Images in Film
SociologySOC 33Race, Ethnicity and Inequality

Fall Semester Umoja Classes

CommunicationCOMM C1000 (formerly COMM 1)3Public Speaking
AnthropologyANTH 23Cultural Anthropology and the African Diaspora
Environmental Sciences and SustainabilityESS 13Intro to Environmental Sciences and Sustainability

Your professors will know your name and they’ll make sure that you’re doing great in all your classes. If you’re struggling, they’re there for you.

– Kaysha, Umoja participant and graduate

What Students Have to Say about the Umoja Learning Community

Umoja at Sierra College

“I joined Umoja because I wanted to feel that sense of belonging and I wanted to have that community behind me. There’s nothing like being around your own people. Secondly, I wanted to utilize the campus resources. There’s a lot of things that I didn’t know coming into college. If it wasn’t for the fact that I had people that knew those things to help me, I probably wouldn’t have gotten as far as I did. Thirdly, there’s nothing like having a mentor. Take advantage!”

– Anthony Lowe, Umoja participant and graduate

“Your professors will know your name and they’ll make sure that you’re doing great in all your classes. If you’re struggling, they’re there for you. I feel like that is what made Umoja special for me. The students within Umoja are all so friendly. It’s like one big family at school.”

– Kaysha, Umoja participant and graduate

The Village

The Village is a community of counselors who intentionally focus on the success of Black and African American students at Sierra College. The foundation of our mission is building community and fostering relationships with you.

We are committed to honoring you where you are and providing timely support for you to accomplish your academic, career, and personal goals.

We’re Here to Help

The Village is committed to creating spaces where you will be valued, seen and validated for your contributions in the classroom, campus and community.

Prospective and New Students

Whether you’re uncertain about college or haven’t yet applied to attend Sierra College, our counselors in The Village can help answer any questions or concerns you may have. 

Current Students

Whether The Village is in your Sierra Connect network or not, you are welcome to reach out to our counselors in The Village via email or by scheduling a counseling appointment online to meet with them.

What We Offer

  • Culturally relevant, sensitive counseling and support.
  • Connection with professionals who know and understand your journey and experiences.
  • Overall support to assist you in your journey by connecting you with resources you may need, such as financial aid.
  • If we can’t help you, we will take out the guesswork by connecting you directly with staff and resources who can.

Find CommUnity at Sierra College

The CommUnity Center (LR-446) at Sierra College is dedicated to empowering and supporting disproportionately impacted students. It is a sanctuary where programs like Wonoti, The Village, Umoja, Unidos and Puente converge to nurture academic success, cultural affirmation, and leadership development. The Center provides counseling services, peer mentoring and a variety of resources. Come on by!

Make an Appointment with a CommUnity Counselor

To make an appointment, log on to Sierra Connect via mySierra and click on the CommUnity tile. The tile will highlight our CommUnity Counselors who are here to support you.

CommUnity Counseling Hours

  • The Village/Umoja (Room J-8): Wednesdays, 11am –12pm
  • Unidos (Room J-8): Tuesdays, 11:30am–12:30pm
  • Wonoti (Room J-8): Wednesdays, 12pm–2pm
  • Pride (Room J-2): 12:30pm–2pm

Meet The Village Team Counselors

On-Campus Resources

Academic, Career, Personal and Crisis Counseling: Whether you want to discuss your educational goals, career or job options, or need short-term mental health counseling, our counselors can help.

Basic Needs Resources: Learn more about assistance funds/emergency aid, food access, health and wellness resources, housing, technology and transportation.

Career and Transfer Center: Access resources and guidance for transferring to a four-year college, participating in internship opportunities or preparing for a career.

Financial Aid: Learn more about scholarships, book vouchers, grants, Two Years Free, student employment opportunities, student assistance funds.

Student Health Services: Our Health Services emphasize health education, prevention, and early intervention. Services include immunizations, health screenings, and family planning/birth control. 

Student Success Center: Our support specialists can help direct you to relevant resources for your situation and interests.

Student Support: Find a comprehensive list of helpful resources at Sierra.

Find CommUnity at Sierra College

The CommUnity Center (LR-446) at Sierra College is dedicated to empowering and supporting disproportionately impacted students. It is a sanctuary where programs like Wonoti, The Village, Umoja, Unidos and Puente converge to nurture academic success, cultural affirmation, and leadership development. The Center provides counseling services, peer mentoring and a variety of resources. Come on by!

Make an Appointment with a CommUnity Counselor

To make an appointment, log on to Sierra Connect via mySierra and click on the CommUnity tile. The tile will highlight our CommUnity Counselors who are here to support you.

CommUnity Counseling Hours

  • The Village/Umoja (Room J-8): Wednesdays, 11am –12pm
  • Unidos (Room J-8): Tuesdays, 11:30am–12:30pm
  • Wonoti (Room J-8): Wednesdays, 12pm–2pm
  • Pride (Room J-2): 12:30pm–2pm

Off-Campus Resources

Transfer and Four-Year Colleges

Wellness and Personal Assistance

  • Aunt Bertha (FindHelp.org): A free tool to help find financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs, including new programs for the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Cal Voices: Dedicated to improving the lives of residents in the diverse communities of California through advocacy, education, research, and culturally relevant services.
  • Safe Black Space: Offering Safe Black Space Community Healing Circles on a monthly basis across Sacramento, as well as advocating locally and demanding justice in instances of racism and oppression.

Employment, Business and Leadership

  • Greater Sacramento Urban League: Provides under-represented youth and adults with educational, career training and employment opportunities in order to achieve economic self-reliance.
  • Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce: A network of business professionals working together to improve the economic, cultural, and civic well-being of the African American community.

Get In Touch

Umoja Resource Room


Building J, Room 8-B

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 5pm; F, 9am – 12pm;

The Village/Umoja Counseling Hours: Wednesdays, 11am – 12pm