Challenge Yourself With Our Honors Program
Sierra College’s Honors program offers a more academically enhanced classroom experience for students motivated to push their academic limits. We offer two types of Honors programs: Honors classes and the Honor Society. For more information, please read the Honors Brochure.
Honors Classes
Degree-applicable courses (with the exception of Developmental Education courses) offered at Sierra College may be taken for Honors credit, with instructor’s permission. A student who has completed an Honors course with an earned course grade of A or B will receive a notation on their transcript indicating that the course was “Completed with Honors.”
Please view the following documents for important information on how to complete and understand the Honors Course Contract.
How to Apply for Honors Credit
- Meet with your instructor prior to start of class to ask if they would be willing to supervise your Honors Contract.
- Complete Honors Course Contract Proposal with your instructor.
- Submit signed contract to Honors Committee to honors@sierracollege.edu.
Submit the completed Contract Proposal to the Honors Committee by the due date. No contracts are accepted for the Summer semester.
Here are two examples for reference: Humanities Sample Contract and Science Sample Contract.
Sierra College Honor Society
Sierra College students who have completed 12 units of transferable course credit at Sierra College with a minimum 3.5 GPA are eligible to join the college’s Beta Mu Zeta chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society for two-year colleges.
Students who join Phi Theta Kappa can take advantage of scholarship recognition, opportunities for leadership and service, and eligibility to apply for $37 million in PTK scholarships.

Eligible students receive an invitation to join PTK via email and/or postal mail during the second month of the fall and spring semesters. For additional information e-mail Jason File at jfile@sierracollege.edu.