Resources and Forms for International Students
International Office Forms
To help you get acquainted with Sierra College, check out our resources and forms for international students attending Sierra College. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact our International Student Office.
On this page, you can find the following resources and forms:
Forms (A-L)
Change of Information
This form is used to change your personal information such as address, phone number, and name. Submit this form to a Designated School Official (DSO) in the Admissions and Records Office to be updated at Sierra College and in the Student and Exchange Information System (SEVIS), a web-based system used by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
If you are interested in an internship opportunity and have an internship class built within the catalog requirements for your major, you may be eligible for an internship through CPT. (Examples of Internship Classes include but are not limited to: Business 95 and CIS 95). Please contact a DSO in Admission and Records to discuss your eligibility for this process.
Driver’s License Instructions
If you are looking to get a driver’s license please refer to the How To Apply For A California Driver License Document. It will help you navigate the process through DMV. If this is your first semester you will not be able to get a driver’s license until approximately two weeks after the semester starts.
Economic Hardship
If you have lost your sponsor or are having financial issues back in your home country, you may be eligible to apply for Economic Hardship. If approved through USCIS you would be able to work off campus for a defined time period of time. Please contact a Designated School Official (DSO) in Admissions and Records to discuss this process.
Final Semester Decision
If it is your final semester with Sierra College you will need to submit a Final Semester Decision Form to a DSO in Admissions and Records. You will need to let the Designated School Official (DSO) know if you are planning on transferring, returning home, currently approved for change of status, or applying for OPT. This will let the DSO know how to end your I-20.
You may need a letter from the Designated School Official (DSO) for the various below reasons. Please request this letter from a DSO in Admissions and Records:
- On Campus Employment
- Bank Letter
- Cell Phone Letter
- Concurrent Enrollment
- DMV Driver’s License Letter
- Enrollment Verification
- Invoice Letter
- Vehicle Purchase Letter
- Apartment
Major Change
Please meet with a counselor when deciding to change your major. Have your counselor send a new Student Education Plan with your updated major to your Designated School Official (DSO) from for your major to be changed with Sierra College and on your I-20 with SEVIS.
Optional Practical Training (OPT)
If you are interested in a one-year authorization to work after you complete your program with Sierra College, you may apply to USCIS for OPT. This allows you the opportunity to gain work experience in your program field. Please see the checklist of documents you will need to collect when meeting with a Designated School Official (DSO). Please contact a DSO in Admissions and Records to discuss this process.
Reduced Course Load
Sometimes you may need to take less that the required 12 units in a semester. There are many reasons that would permit a student to not be registered in 12 units. These include academic, medical, and final semester reasons. Please contact a Designated School Official (DSO) in Admissions and Records as well as your counselor to discuss this possibility.
Request For I-20 Travel Signature
If you are planning on traveling outside the United States during breaks you will need your I-20 signed by a Designated School Official (DSO) to return. Please submit your I-20 with the Request for I-20 Travel Signature Form to a DSO in Admissions and Records. If you do not have a copy of your current Visa, Passport and I-94 on file you will need to provide copies of those documents. Please submit documents and completed form at least two weeks prior to travel to insure enough processing time of your I-20.
SEVIS Transfer
If you are transferring to another institution you will also need to fill out the SEVIS Transfer Information Form which is the second half of the Final Semester Decision Form. This gives the Designated School Official (DSO) information about where you are planning to transfer and when your I-20 should be released to the transferring institution. You must submit an acceptance letter from the transferring institution and sometimes the transferring institution requires the DSO to complete a Transfer Clearance Form from their institution.
Yearly Tax Forms
As an international student, you are required to file income taxes or file a form stating you did not earn enough to file income taxes while studying in the United States. Please refer to the Yearly Tax Form Document for more information.
Get in Touch
International Student Services
Admissions and Records (Building A)
Fax: (916) 630-4500