Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
Providing Equitable Access and Accommodations for All Students
SAS was formerly known as Disability Support Programs and Services or DSPS
If you have a disability, Student Accessibility Services (SAS) offers a wide variety of services to support your needs and enhance your educational experience at Sierra College. From priority registration and vocational counseling to student education plans and evaluating learning disabilities, SAS has everything you’ll need.
View accessibility maps at:
Services We Offer
SAS is dedicated to providing the following services to eligible students:
- Individualized academic, disability, and vocational counseling and advocacy
- Priority registration
- Academic accommodations/adjustments and support services
- Alternate media and assistive technology
- Captioning and Interpreter Services
- Liaison with and referral to campus and community services
- Diagnostic assessment of learning disabilities (limited service)
Academic accommodations, adjustments, and support services are individually based on the functional limitations resulting from a disability and how the limitation impacts academic performance in the educational environment. Learn more about our Learning Disability Services.
Accommodation Certification
When you register with SAS, you can ask your counselor for an Accommodation Certification Form. You can show this form to your instructors or the Testing Center if you need accommodations such as extra time on exams or a note-taker.
How to Apply for SAS Services
1. Apply to Sierra College, accept college terms and conditions.
2. Contact the SAS Rocklin or SAS Nevada County Campus office for an SAS application. Verification of disability must be uploaded to the application.
3. Call the SAS Rocklin or SAS Nevada County Campus office to schedule an SAS counseling appointment.
How To Verify Your Disability
You can have your disability verified by submitting one of these disability documents to SAS:
- Physician’s verification of disability
- Individualized Education Plan from High School
- Section 504 from High School
Or, you can visit Sierra College’s Learning Disability Services to get tested and verified.
All information is strictly confidential. Your instructor will not know you have a disability until you request an accommodation. An instructor is not entitled to know your specific disability.
The mission of Student Accessibility Services is to promote participation and accessibility to all aspects of Sierra College’s programs and activities, thereby ensuring students with disabilities have the opportunity to participate fully in their educational experience through appropriate and reasonable accommodations.
Meet with an Academic Counselor or SAS Counselor
Student Accessibility Services counselors provide the same services as academic counseling. You can see any counselor you wish for academic counseling. However, you must meet with an SAS Counselor and sign your Educational Plan every semester to continue receiving SAS services. You always have the option of not using the SAS programs and services available to you.

Learning Disability Services
We have Learning Disabilities Specialists who are here to support students in attaining their academic goals. They offer strategies for learning difficulties, provide learning disability testing, make recommendations for accommodations, and foster self-advocacy skills.
Find answers to frequently asked questions about learning disabilities and the services we offer:
Get In Touch
Student Accessibility Services — Nevada County
Building N3