Providing Welcoming Spaces That Engage and Unify Students

As part of ongoing efforts to serve disproportionately impacted and underrepresented students, Sierra College has implemented three distinct Student Engagement Centers to provide services to students facing challenges.

The Cross-Cultural Center, the Pride Center, and the Women and Gender Resource Center serve as dedicated spaces for students of all experiences to find a home away from home. The goals of these centers are to help increase equity on campus as well as student access, success, and completion of academic goals. Additionally, these centers provide leadership development training, student employment, and co-curricular programming. The Women and Gender Resource Center provide personal health supplies (tampons, pads, condoms, etc.) and toiletries free of charge.

The Student Engagement Centers are not just for the communities which they are named after, but a network of resources for all students with a specific focus on groups that may face additional obstacles in academic success. Students are welcome to use the centers for a variety of purposes including student club meetings and study groups. This includes access to a number of enclosed study areas that may be reserved ahead of time.

Our partnering programs are New Legacy, Gender Equity, Spectrum, Puente, Umoja and Native American Equity Workgroup.

Students studying at the Cross Cultural Center at Sierra College

Cross Cultural Center

The Cross Cultural Center (CCC) is where people can submit room reservations for events, club meetings, study groups, and more. We have a Native American resource room, Puente resource room, Umoja resource room, Undocumented Student Center, a reading room, conference room and a club room. One of the main purposes of the CCC is to provide a space for folk to feel safe and comfortable in a multicultural setting that is accepting and welcoming. Many different clubs often meet in here such as the Native American Club, Disability Awareness Club, Dream Club, and more.

Contact or visit the Cross Cultural Center.

Two students holding Pride flag

Pride Center

The Pride Center is where student-scholars can rest, do homework and socialize in a safe environment dedicated to the LGBTQ+ student-scholars can also check out books, magazines and films. The events held here revolve around supporting the LGBTQ+ community.  

Contact or visit the Pride Center.

LGBTQ+ Advocates

Pride Support and Resources

Women and Gender Resource Center at Sierra College

Women and Gender Resource Center

The Women and Gender Resource Center is where students-scholars can obtain personal care products such as pads, tampons, condoms, lube, breastfeeding supplies and diapers. We have resources open to all students-scholars. Anyone is welcome to come in and take what they need. This a place that provides support for parent students-scholars.

Contact or visit the Women and Gender Resource Center.

Get In Touch

Student Engagement Centers


Building J-8 and J-2

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 5pm; F, 9am – 12pm

Cross Cultural Center


Building J, Room 8

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 5pm; F, 9am – 12pm

Pride Center Office


Building J, Room 2

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 5pm; F, 9am – 12pm;

Pride Counseling Hours: 12:30pm – 2pm

Please email us to reserve the space.

Puente Resource Room


Building J, Room 8-E

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 5pm; F, 9am – 12pm

Women and Gender Resource Center Office


Building J, Room 2

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 5pm; F, 9am – 12pm

Umoja Resource Room


Building J, Room 8-B

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 5pm; F, 9am – 12pm;

The Village/Umoja Counseling Hours: Wednesdays, 11am – 12pm

Undocumented Student Center Office


Building J, Room 8-G

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 4pm, F: 9am – 12pm; Summer: M-Th, 9am – 4pm

Virtual services by appointment only.

Wonoti/Native American Resource Room


Building J, Room 8-F

Fall/Spring: M-Th, 9am – 5pm; F, 9am – 12pm;

Wonoti Counseling Hours: Wednesdays, 12pm–2pm