Emergency and Law Enforcement Response

The Department of Community Safety is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Learn more about our services, emergency procedures and reports.

Emergency and Non-Emergency Incidents

  • Emergency (all campuses): For immediate emergency and law enforcement response, contact the Department of Community Safety for all campuses at Extension 1111 on campus phones or call 9-1-1.
  • Emergency phones are located on the Rocklin Campus and Nevada County Campus. The phones connect directly to the Department of Community Safety.
  • Non-Emergency (all campuses): For non-emergencies, contact the Department of Community Safety for all campuses at (916) 660-7120 (extension 7120 on campus).
Press the "See Something, Say Something" button to Submit an Anonymous Tip

Our Services

Our officers are responsible for: 

  • Responding to emergencies and non-life threatening situations
  • Enforcing parking and vehicle code violations (AP 6750)
  • Providing public assistance
  • Providing safety escorts to and from class
  • Locking and unlocking facilities
  • Non-emergency online reporting
  • Recovering lost and found property

Did you know you can request a safety escort?

Call (916) 660-7120 to request a safety escort to and from class on our Rocklin and Nevada County Campuses.

Promoting a Safe Campus: How You Can Help

Sierra College is committed to maintaining safe campuses.

Our comprehensive district-wide safety program includes a Safety Committee comprised of faculty, staff and students. The sole purpose of the committee is to identify and report safety concerns, train personnel and sponsor funding for initiatives to maintain a safe, healthy work and learning environment. The Committee also provides planning related to safety enhancements, emergency contingencies and disaster preparedness.  

But we can’t do it alone.

The Committee encourages the participation of everyone – faculty, students and staff – to initiate, maintain and improve safe practices and conditions at our four locations. 

Email your campus safety concerns to the Safety and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator: Zach Stanfield Jones (zstanfieldjones@sierracollege.edu).

Sierra College Safety Information and Procedures

The Sierra Joint Community College District is committed to a safe educational and work environment for all students, faculty, staff and community members. Emergencies can occur at any time and it is the District’s policy to provide timely notifications of risks and dangers to the campus community.

The most important things you can do to protect yourself and others is:

  • Be prepared
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Remain calm
  • Follow safety instructions

For emergency and law enforcement responses on all campuses, call 911.


Get in Touch

Department of Community Safety – Nevada County Campus

Nevada County

Building N1, Room 108

  • For immediate emergency and law enforcement response, contact the Department of Community Safety for all campuses at Extension 1111 on campus phones or call 9-1-1.
  • For non-emergencies, contact the Department of Community Safety for all campuses at (916) 660-7120.