All classes and services at Sierra College’s Nevada County Campus are canceled, and the campus will be closed on Friday, March 14, 2025, due to snow. This alert will update when new information is available. Tahoe-Truckee and Rocklin Campuses are open. (Posted 3/14/25 at 8:50am)
The Behavioral Intervention CARE (Concern, Assessment, Response, Evaluation) Team at Sierra College provides coordinated support for students in distress and takes a proactive approach to address concerns about student behavior, academic progress and personal issues, including mental health concerns.
The CARE Team is committed to:
Identifying students of concern who are in need of additional support
Assessing the most appropriate way to intervene and support a student
Addressing student behaviors that impact our campus and community
Intervening so a student may achieve academic and personal success
Once the CARE Team receives a CARE Team Referral, a member of the CARE Team will reach out to the referring party to gather more information, provide consultation and support, discuss the referral with a core group of counselors to create an action plan, and, as appropriate, create a plan to engage with the student to assess the concerns.
In most cases, a counselor on the CARE Team will reach out and invite the student to meet in person to review the concerns, assess and refer the student to campus and community resources, such as mental health resources, and coordinate follow-up care and services.
Everyone is encouraged to report concerns about students who may pose a danger to themselves or others, who may be showing signs of being in distress, or whose behavior is escalating or disruptive to others in our community.
View frequently asked questions (FAQ) by students, faculty and staff regarding the CARE team, and learn some of the signs that may signal a student needs help from the CARE Team.
The CARE Team assists at-risk students who are displaying distressing behaviors that are escalating, concerning and require additional support.
If you believe a student may pose an immediate threat to the health and safety of themselves or others, call 911 and/or Department of Community Safety.
Concerning Behaviors
Examples of concerning behaviors may include, but are not limited to:
Academic Concerns
Incongruent content in writings or presentations
Academic assignments dominated by themes of extreme hopelessness, isolation, despair, acting out, suicidal ideations/violent behaviors, “cry for help”
Excessive absences
Serious decline in quality of work
Physical Concerns
Marked changes in physical appearance, including deterioration in grooming, hygiene, or weight loss/gain
Excessive fatigue/sleep disturbance
Intoxication, hang over, smelling of alcohol or marijuana
Disoriented or “out of it”
Unprovoked anger/hostility
Making threats to harm self or others
Communicating threats via email, texting, phone calls
Psychological Concerns
Self-disclosure of personal distress, family problems, financial difficulties, contemplating suicide, grief
What do I do if I know of a student who may need to be referred to the CARE Team?
If there is an immediate threat, contact Department of Community Safety or 911. Otherwise, submit a CARE Team Referral.
Who can make a CARE referral?
Most commonly, faculty and staff can make a referral to the CARE Team, but anyone who is concerned about a student can make a referral.
Should I approach the student of concern first?
Whenever possible, please let the student know you are concerned and are making a referral to the CARE Team. There may be times where you would prefer to remain anonymous. If this is the case, please let us know and we will work together.a) If you are concerned with immediate safety, please contact Department of Community Safety or 911.
b) If you have a general concern for safety that is not immediate, please note this in the referral and we can provide a consultation.
What happens after I make the referral?
Once a referral is received, the CARE Team will reach out to the referring party to gather more information, consult with the CARE Team, and, as appropriate, create a plan to engage with the student to assess the concerns.
What happens to the student once a CARE referral is submitted?
In most cases, a counselor on the CARE Team will reach out to the student to invite them to meet in person to review the concerns, assess and refer the student to campus and community resources, and coordinate follow-up care and services.
How do I know if it is a CARE Team issue or more appropriately handled by another campus resource?
You do not have to make this determination; the CARE Team will do it for you. The most critical step is that you report your concern. If another campus resource is more appropriate, the CARE Team member will advise you of this, refer the student to the appropriate resource, and handle the transfer of information.
Is the CARE Team process confidential?
Every effort is made to keep the CARE Team process confidential. There may be times when confidentiality is not possible due to mandated reporting, such as FERPA and Clery Act responsibilities. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits communication about a student of concern with a health and safety emergency. Observations of a student’s conduct or statements made by a student are not FERPA protected. Such information should be shared with appropriate consideration for student privacy. In compliance with the Clery Act, Sierra College publishes and distributes an annual security report. The report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Sierra College; and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You may obtain a copy of the report by contacting the Campus Parking and Security Services Office or by accessing the website at Public information regarding sex offenders may be obtained by accessing the Megan’s Law website at Reference: Sierra College Board Policy 3515 and Administrative Procedure 3515.
Can I know the outcome of a student that I referred?
The CARE Team and its processes fall under FERPA. In most circumstances, we will not be able to disclose details, however, we will close the loop with you to let you know that the referral is assigned to a CARE counselor and the student has been connected to services. We encourage you to notify us of any continued concerns or behavior changes.
Can I submit information anonymously?
Anonymous entries will be addressed by the CARE Team. However, you are encouraged to identify yourself because this may assist the CARE Team if clarification or additional information is needed.
What do I do if a student discloses sexual violence, harassment, stalking, or other Title IX related concerns to me?
Contact the Title IX Coordinator to make a report by visiting Report It.
What happens if I need assistance after hours? If this is an emergency, please call 911. For mental health needs that occur after counseling business hours, please contact Placer County Adult System of Care at (916) 787-8860. This is a 24/7 phone line for community referrals and services, including mental health crisis.
Submit a Referral to the CARE Team
To make a referral from any of our campuses, submit a CARE Team Referral to share your concerns about a student’s behavior.
Who can make a CARE referral?
Most commonly, faculty and staff can make a referral to the CARE Team, but anyone who is concerned about a student can make a referral.
Is the CARE Team the same as reporting to Conduct/Student Discipline?
No, the CARE Team does not replace referrals to student conduct/student discipline.
Should I approach the student of concern first?
Whenever possible, please let the student know you are concerned and are making a referral to the CARE Team. There may be times where you would prefer to remain anonymous. If this is the case, please let us know and we will work together. If you are concerned with immediate safety, please contact Department of Community Safetyor 911.
What happens after I make the referral?
Once a referral is received, the CARE Team will reach out to the referring party to gather more information, consult with the CARE Team, and, as appropriate, create a plan to engage with the student to assess the concerns.
What happens to the student once a CARE referral is submitted?
In most cases, a counselor on the CARE Team will reach out to the student to invite them to meet in person to review the concerns, assess and refer the student to campus and community resources, and coordinate follow-up care and services.
How do I know if it is a CARE Team issue or more appropriately handled by another campus resource?
You do not have to make this determination; the CARE Team will do it for you. The most critical step is that you report your concern. If another campus resource is more appropriate, the CARE Team member will advise you of this, refer the student to the appropriate resource, and handle the transfer of information.
Is the CARE Team process confidential?
Every effort is made to keep the CARE Team process confidential. There may be times when confidentiality is not possible due to mandated reporting, such as FERPA and CLERY responsibilities. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits communication about a student of concern with a health and safety emergency. Observations of a student’s conduct or statements made by a student are not FERPA protected. Such information should be shared with appropriate consideration for student privacy. In compliance with the Clery Act, Sierra College publishes and distributes an annual security report. The report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Sierra College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You may obtain a copy of the report by contacting the Campus Parking and Security Services Office or by accessing the website at Public information regarding sex offenders may be obtained by accessing the Megan’s Law website at Sierra College Board Policy 3515 and Administrative Procedure 3515.
Can I attend a CARE Team meeting?If you would like to attend a CARE Team meeting to discuss a student of concern, contact the CARE Team office.
Can I know the outcome of a student that I referred?
The CARE Team and its processes fall under FERPA. In most circumstances, we will not be able to disclose details, however, we will close the loop with you to let you know that the referral is assigned to a CARE counselor and the student has been connected to services. We encourage you to notify us of any continued concerns or behavior changes.
Can I submit information anonymously?
Anonymous entries will be addressed by the CARE Team. However, you are encouraged to identify yourself because this may assist the CARE Team if clarification or additional information is needed.
Who can I contact if I have a question about the CARE Team or a student of concern?
You may contact the CARE Team Office.